En 12/03/13 18:31, Ryosuke Niwa escribiu:
> That doesn't work. At a bidi-level boundary, offset can jump from one
> place to another. Consider a much simpler example; the same sequence of
> letters, in logical order, ABC123 in a RTL block, which will be rendered as:
> 123CBA
> with logical/DOM offsets placed at:
> (6)1(4)2(5)3(3)C(2)B(1)A(0)
> Again, at offset 3, what we're going to replace is "1" so we can't place
> the block caret on top of either "C" or "3".

The problem is that such kind of "weird" behaviors are happening now
without overtype mode. For example consider the strongly LTR letters
"abc" inside a RTL block, which will be rendered as "abc". If we either
place the caret at the beginning (before 'a') or at the end (after 'c')
the next typed character will be placed at the opposite side the user
might expect based on the caret position.

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