> On Aug 11, 2014, at 3:23 AM, Koen Bok <k...@madebysofa.com> wrote:
> I am looking how to show the inspector in my own mac desktop app with 
> WKWebViews.

You are correct that currently the only supported way to inspect a WKWebView is 
through Safari with an entitlement in your app (see the WWDC talk for more 

> I think I need to initialize an XPC or http connection to a WKWebView and 
> pass it to a new inspector instance, and then show it.
> Can anyone maybe point me in the right direction?

>From a WebKit Internals perspective, you just need to enable WebCore's 
>Settings::developerExtrasEnabled setting to get what you want. No XPC/HTTP 
>connections necessary.

The WKWebView API allows toggling WebCore's Settings via the WKPreferences 
interface (available on WKWebViewConfiguration).  Nothing currently exists for 
the developer extras setting. It should be easy to add plumbing for a new 
setting to toggle the Developer Extras Enabled setting at least as a private 

- Joe
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