> On Aug 11, 2014, at 12:10 PM, Joseph Pecoraro <pecor...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 11, 2014, at 3:23 AM, Koen Bok <k...@madebysofa.com 
>> <mailto:k...@madebysofa.com>> wrote:
>> I am looking how to show the inspector in my own mac desktop app with 
>> WKWebViews.
> You are correct that currently the only supported way to inspect a WKWebView 
> is through Safari with an entitlement in your app (see the WWDC talk for more 
> information).
>> I think I need to initialize an XPC or http connection to a WKWebView and 
>> pass it to a new inspector instance, and then show it.
>> Can anyone maybe point me in the right direction?
> From a WebKit Internals perspective, you just need to enable WebCore's 
> Settings::developerExtrasEnabled setting to get what you want. No XPC/HTTP 
> connections necessary.
> The WKWebView API allows toggling WebCore's Settings via the WKPreferences 
> interface (available on WKWebViewConfiguration).  Nothing currently exists 
> for the developer extras setting. It should be easy to add plumbing for a new 
> setting to toggle the Developer Extras Enabled setting at least as a private 
> API.

I filed and put a patch up on:
<https://webkit.org/b/135811> Add Private WKPreferences API for developer 
extras (show inspector)

- Joe
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