On Sat, May 21 2022 at 07:10:30 AM +0000, "Kirsling, Ross via webkit-dev" <webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org> wrote:
This is wonderful news—thanks Diego!


I would go even further and consider enabling unified builds only in DEVELOPER_MODE (for CMake ports). For non-developer builds, compilation time is much less important than limiting RAM usage to reasonable levels. Using ninja's default parallelization level, I recently started hitting OOM failures even on a machine with 64 GB RAM! We have many people complaining that they cannot build on more normal machines with 16 GB RAM. If we have an EWS to ensure the non-unified build actually works, then it should be safe enough to make it the normal supported path for non-developers, rather than just a "best effort, let's hope it works today" thing.


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