> One day per person per month sounds like a totally reasonable cost for us to 
> ask of ports that don't yet to have EWS setup in the upstream WebKit project.

I don’t follow; I am *purely* concerned with well-established platforms that do 
have EWS set up. The work that is proactively done by Sony and Igalia is 
intended to benefit all platforms. The result of this work is that folks seldom 
encounter errors on their patches that are purely due to unified build shifts 
and not due to anything in the content of their patch. The fact that people are 
able to unaware of these issues occurring is a testament to all the work that 
has been done.

Since these errors would occur on *all* platforms, there’s no justification for 
this labor to be offloaded to any particular group; the problem is that we’ve 
not had a good solution until now (particularly due to the lack of a fully 
working Mac Cmake build). This bot means that people can know their patches are 
free of include errors without having to worry about how to verify that locally.


From: Ryosuke Niwa <rn...@webkit.org>
Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 4:39 PM
To: "Kirsling, Ross" <ross.kirsl...@sony.com>
Cc: Alexey Proskuryakov <a...@webkit.org>, "webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org" 
Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] Deployment of new EWS Non-Unified builder

On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 16:10 Kirsling, Ross via webkit-dev 
<webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org<mailto:webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org>> wrote:
I feel like this has been discussed adequately in the past, but one more time 
for good measure:

Any two platforms which don't build the exact same set of files will undergo 
unification differently. That means that unification shifts are an inherent 
part of working on WebKit, embedder or otherwise.

The only way to be certain that includes are done correctly in a given patch is 
to perform a non-unified build. This would be an unreasonable burden for local 
development, but that's exactly why an EWS builder is desirable.

To have this appear like a non-issue is to ignore the work that Sony and Igalia 
have continually performed through the 5(?) years since unified builds were 
introduced. From experience, I know that it can take a person about a day per 
month to clean up includes on behalf of the entire WebKit community.

One day per month for one beginner sounds like a really low maintenance cost 
compared to having every WebKit developer fix non-unified builds at all times.

Each patch should be responsible for getting its own includes correct.

It's unclear that this makes sense given that we can already fix build failures 
caused by different set of translation units getting unified for WebKit ports 
that have their own EWS bots.

One day per person per month sounds like a totally reasonable cost for us to 
ask of ports that don't yet to have EWS setup in the upstream WebKit project.

Inevitably, such ports already face other more complex build failures whenever 
we refactor WebKit or WebCore platform by, say, introducing new client 
interface or pure virtual member function that has to be overridden in each 
platform / port.

- R. Niwa

- R. Niwa
webkit-dev mailing list

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