Hello WebKit developers! We are ramping up to do some serious work on Site 
Isolation which includes putting cross-origin iframes in a different process 
than the parent frame. Similar efforts have been done in other browser engines 
and some related work has already been done in WebKit, but not enough.

This will do strange things to the InjectedBundle APIs, which have fundamental 
assumptions that the whole DOM is in one process and that communication only 
happens with one process at a time. We have never exposed InjectedBundle APIs 
as public API, but some other distributors of WebKit have. As we make progress 
on this project, we anticipate that anything in 
Source/WebKit/WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API is subject to deprecation and 
removal.  This will also allow us to tighten the sandbox on the web process, 
resolve security and performance issues, and have cleaner code.

Would the maintainers of the GTK and WPE APIs be willing to assist in migrating 
from those APIs and designing replacements in the UI process?

Alex Christensen
webkit-dev mailing list

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