El vie, 12-08-2022 a las 13:40 -0700, Alex Christensen via webkit-dev
> Hello WebKit developers! We are ramping up to do some serious work on
> Site Isolation which includes putting cross-origin iframes in a
> different process than the parent frame. Similar efforts have been
> done in other browser engines and some related work has already been
> done in WebKit, but not enough.
> This will do strange things to the InjectedBundle APIs, which have
> fundamental assumptions that the whole DOM is in one process and that
> communication only happens with one process at a time. We have never
> exposed InjectedBundle APIs as public API, but some other
> distributors of WebKit have. As we make progress on this project, we
> anticipate that anything in
> Source/WebKit/WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API is subject to deprecation
> and removal.  This will also allow us to tighten the sandbox on the
> web process, resolve security and performance issues, and have
> cleaner code.
> Would the maintainers of the GTK and WPE APIs be willing to assist in
> migrating from those APIs and designing replacements in the UI
> process?

Sure. I think the most important feature we expose from injected bundle
is JavaScript extensibility using the JSC API.

Next week I can write a summary of the features we currently expose
from injected bundle and  possible alternatives.

> Alex Christensen
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Carlos Garcia Campos

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