
I would like to propose a lightweight process so we can jointly arrive on 
position: labels on https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions that can then 
be considered somewhat final, modulo new information coming to light. Agreeing 
on these positions as a community is important as they are meant to be 
representative of all of us.

This process is not meant to stop anyone from commenting on an issue. Please do 
continue to give your frank feedback as you have done thus far. Let me also 
echo Maciej’s Slack comments here encouraging everyone to add the relevant 
topic:, venue:, from:, and concerns: labels. For concerns: labels it would be 
good if you also added an explanatory comment. (If you cannot add labels to 
issues please reach out to me privately.)

The process is fairly straightforward:

1. Leave a comment with your suggested position: label, rationale (as needed), 
and a deadline for further feedback that’s at least 7 days in the future. 
Depending on the time of year or complexity of the item under review you might 
want to prolong this.
2. After the deadline has passed, if there were no requests for more time, no 
objections, and ideally you had some support through thumbs up or comments with 
additional context, your suggested position: label will be added. You did it! 🎉

To illustrate, Marcos and I have been trying it out live:

* https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/24
* https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/63

If there are no concerns I suggest we start using this more widely.

Kind regards,

webkit-dev mailing list

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