> On Mar 9, 2023, at 10:48 AM, Brandon Stewart via webkit-dev 
> <webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org> wrote:
> Sorry for the delay on the documentation update.
> For getting the documentation system online, we were trying to settle on a 
> subdomain.
> What would people prefer we use as the official documentation location:
> (1) docs.webkit.org
> (2) developer.webkit.org
> (3) documentation.webkit.org

(1) or (3) seems good.

- R. Niwa

>> On Feb 28, 2023, at 12:39 AM, dpino via webkit-dev 
>> <webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org> wrote:
>> On 9/20/22 05:28, Brandon Stewart via webkit-dev wrote:
>>> Hi WebKit Developers,
>>> Documentation is an important part of any open source project, especially 
>>> for a larger project like WebKit. Being able to ramp up during the 
>>> onboarding process, reading up on architectural decisions, and learning how 
>>> to perform common procedures are all features the documentation should 
>>> tackle. WebKit has a large set of documentation already, but it is 
>>> scattered around a wide range of platforms (Trac, GitHub Wiki, markdown 
>>> files in the code, Git commits, etc...), and some of the information is out 
>>> of date.
>>> A few months ago, I started working on a new documentation solution based 
>>> on the DocC documentation framework. This provides an easy way to add and 
>>> edit documentation through markdown files. I have already ported a large 
>>> section of Trac, all of the GitHub Wiki, and all of the non third party 
>>> markdown files in the code over to this platform. I have tested this on 
>>> macOS and Linux and have found it works extremely well. (Windows should be 
>>> able to use WSL2 at the moment, while a few remaining issues get sorted 
>>> out). The only dependency for this project is a recent installation of 
>>> Swift.
>>> You can already download the documentation and preview it locally, but we 
>>> are looking to publish it online for easy viewing. We were looking to get 
>>> your feedback if we would want to publish the documentation on GitHub Pages 
>>> or webkit.org.
>>> The documentation source can be found at 
>>> https://github.com/webkit/documentation.
>>> - Brandon
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> webkit-dev mailing list
>>> webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org <mailto:webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org>
>>> https://lists.webkit.org/mailman/listinfo/webkit-dev
>> H,
>> It has been more than 5 months since this new documentation repository was 
>> announced and as far as I know it hasn't been published yet. Is there any 
>> news when this site will be publicly available?
>> Right now in Igalia we need to publish some information publicly and we were 
>> discussing where it's the right place to put it.
>>   * WebKit Documentation (https://github.com/webkit/documentation.git), IMHO 
>> it doesn't make sense because the information needs to be public.
>>   * Trac (https://trac.webkit.org/wiki), since WebKit Documentation hasn't 
>> been published yet, the fact is that we have been updating Trac pages in the 
>> last months.
>>   * WebKit GitHub Wiki (https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/wiki), it seems 
>> like the best candidate. It says that new documentation should live there 
>> instead of being added to Trac. But on the other hand when WebKit 
>> Documentation was announced some people advocated for keep using the GH Wiki 
>> but that idea was discarded. It seems like WebKit GitHub Wiki is were new 
>> documents should be published until WebKit Documentation site is not 
>> available? Please confirm whether this assumption is correct or not.
>> --
>> Diego
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>> webkit-dev mailing list
>> webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org
>> https://lists.webkit.org/mailman/listinfo/webkit-dev
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