On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Ryosuke Niwa <rn...@webkit.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Tim Larson <tim.lar...@proxibid.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi! I'm new to Webkit. I am using NetBSD as my development platform. What
>> I'm trying to do, which I thought would be fairly simple, is just build
>> Webkit as a shared library, so that I can experiment with all the different
>> front-ends using the same engine. I have updated all scripts to have the
>> correct path to perl on my system.
>> When I run the build-webkit script, it finishes in 0:00 and doesn't seem
>> to do a thing. Stepping through the script in the debugger, it appears that
>> I have to specify a port.  The building/build.html page does not make this
>> clear at all. Maybe build-webkit could throw a message if none of the port
>> options are supplied.
> That sounds sensible thing to do.
>> Having it set this way makes me question whether what I am trying to do is
>> even possible, however. Forcing selection of a specific port seems to
>> discourage it.
> WebKit isn't designed to be a standard alone library that can be built on
> any system. By design, one has to create a "port" that supplies OS-specific
> bits and pieces in Source/WebCore/platform and Source/WebKit. If one of
> existing ports build on FreeBSD, then that's great but I'm not certain if
> any of them will.

At least both of the EFL and Chromium ports are regularly maintained
on FreeBSD, last I checked.

-- Dirk
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