
We are starting to use weblate and we have an issue with the translation
download / upload.

Some of our translation subcontractor require that we send CSV to translate
and send back translation afterward, they just don't even want to register
on weblate.

We did the following operation:
go to a component, in french (untranslated)
file -> download translation
update the target column in CSV file with some translation
file -> upload translation, choose the CSV

we get "Processed 603 strings from the uploaded files (skipped: 0, not
found: 0, updated: 0)."

Here is an extract of what the CSV looks like, you can see that first line
was translated but it's not uploaded:

"","Accepted Due Date= Date Time Creation
"","Accepted shipments","","","False","acceptedShipments","",""
"","Access control","","","False","accessControl","",""
"","Address lookup with map","","","False","addressLookupWithMap","",""

Are we missing some steps? Any help appreciated.

David Delbecq
Software engineer, Transport & Logistics
Geldenaaksebaan 329, 1st floor | 3001 Leuven
+32 16 391 121 <+32%2016%20391%20121> Direct
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