On Feb 26, 2004, at 7:08 AM, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

I must admit I have lost all patience for editing HTML[1] in a browser window and would like to use and ordinary HTML editor to create my text. Is it possible to modify Web make to ignore everything except what is between the body tags? If so, theoretically should be possible to edit pages, insert them into Web make and have everything come out looking just spiffy.

Rather than use a browser window, I use my text editor of choice and Textile (which now has support in the stock code, BTW). It's not WYSIWYG, but it's fairly straight-forward and doesn't involve me writing any HTML.

I suppose it depends on what you want, but I like being able to write and not have to worry significantly about formatting and <></> tag sets (blasphemy! heresy!). If you really, really want to see how it's going to look, then, yes, use Justin's scraping suggestion, but I don't know that that'll be particularly instructive since it won't have your CSS or anything anyway.

You don't have to use the edit-in-browser interface, also, keep in mind. You can edit ordinary plain text files (if you use Windows, Notepad; if you use a Mac, TextEdit or BBEdit; if you use Unix, vi or emacs or [insert favorite editor here]) and then just upload the files to the website.

Wes :wm
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."

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