Ok, I found where this is happening. It is in the final HTML cleanup, and the use of HTML::Parser. From the HTML::Parser documentation:

$p->attr_encoded( $bool )
     By default, the "attr" and @attr argspecs will have general enti-
     ties for attribute values decoded.  Enabling this attribute leaves
     entities alone.

So in the new() function of HTMLCleaner.pm I added this line:


I'm not sure what the best place for this really is.

Let me know if you want a diff or patch or the actual file with the one line added.

jlm17 wrote:
I didn't look at the EtText code. I'm not using EtText. That made me think, I'm not putting format="text/html" in my <content> tags, and that maybe it was defaulting to "text/et". So I have a small example, and I put the format="text/html" into it and it still converts &amp; to &. For reference here is what I am doing:

<content name=dud format="text/html">
<a href="http://nowhere.com/nofile.pl?&amp;htqdb";>test</a>
<out name="dud" file="dud2.html">

I'm running webmake through the perl debugger. I'll let you know if I find something.

Robert Echlin wrote:

Thanks for that information, jlm.
I will watch for that.

Did you check in the EtText code?


jlm17 wrote:

It appears that webmake is converting my &amp; entities into &. This is actually incorrect behavior:

Ampersands (&'s) in URLs

Another common error occurs when including a URL which contains an ampersand ("&"):

<!-- This is invalid! --> <a href="foo.cgi?chapter=1&section=2">...</a>

This example generates an error for "unknown entity section" because the "&" is assumed to begin

>an entity. In many cases, browsers will recover safely from the error, but the example used here
>will cause the link to fail in Netscape 3.x (but not other versions of Netscape) since it will
>assume that the author intended to write &sect;ion, which is equivalent to §ion.

To avoid problems with both validators and browsers, always use &amp; in place of &:

<a href="foo.cgi?chapter=1&amp;section=2">...</a>

The above is from http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/problems.html

So far I have been unlucky in finding out where in the webmake code this is actually happening.
Everywhere that I see an &amp; in the code it is actually converting TO it instead of from it.

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