I am trying to create a new wmk tag and I need access to the get_current_main_content() function. So, I have the tag call a handler that actually defers. The problem is, when it gets to the deferred function, get_current_main_content() returns an empty string. Does anyone know how to make this work? I'm working off of the navtree.pm file, but it wants to use OO, and I just want to call a simple function.

Here is my non-working code.
sub tab
my ($perlcode, $tabname)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
my $this_content=$perlcode->get_current_main_content();
#Problem is here! Shouldn't die, but does.
die "dead" if($this_content eq "");
#Output a perl block whose execution will be deferred.
sub deferr_tab
my ($tag, $attributes, $text, $self) = @_;
$self->set_content($attributes->{name}, '<'.'{perl tab($self'.", \"".$attributes->{name}."\",); }".'>');
define_empty_wmk_tag("tab", \&deferr_tab, ("name"));
<tab name="product_family"/>
<content name="index">xedni</content>
<out name="index" file="test/dud.html">
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