Hi, John,

I have a somewhat similar usage.
I have some javascript that I set in some pages, to obfuscate email addresses, but still leave them clickable. If I remember correctly, I just defined the metadata as blank on every page, then defined it to have the required value on pages I wanted it to appear on.

I didn't take the time to find out how to check if it was defined.
Certainly you can do that from perl directly - I think the perl function "defined" will do what is required, but to do it that way, you would have to figure out what variable or array or whatever to check.

Hopefully someone will have a more correct and useful answer than this.


John Jones wrote:

I have been trying to convert a site to use webmake. It looked like a good option since I could have a single webmake file which accesses a single template file, and then put the content for each page in a separate file.

The content is more involved than just a title and part of the body. It looked like webmake would be able to do what I want if I set various things through metadata tags with names I made up. Now, if I set metadata with names like special1, special2, special3, ... then to handle it in the template file, I thought I could use the perl construct to process it.

The examples directory shows how you can fetch a list of content names and then work with them in a perl section. My question is, can I do something similar with metadata? In particular, I would like a perl section in a template to be able to determine what metadata values are defined, and then access their values.


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