Hi, Chip,

First, you want to use the name/selection/value bindings of the WORadioButton. The name binding must be identical for all the WORadioButtons to function as a group. Use the object bound to the WORepetition's item binding to create a unique identifiable value to set the value binding of its correponding WORadioButtons as the button is generated within the WORepetition. Bind an instance variable, say selectedObject, to the selection binding for all of the WORadioButtons.

Then, when either of your submit buttons is clicked, check the selectedObject value from within the action method for that submit button to determine which object's WORadioButton was selected.

The multiple submit binding belongs to the WOForm surrounding your submit buttons. Select the form and look in the inspection panel for it.


On Jul 19, 2006, at 1:17 PM, Chip Myers wrote:

Actually, my objective is to NOT generate a button beside each object, but to have one row of buttons located below my list of objects. Thus, I'm still having the same problem capturing the selected objectItem to pass to a method that my "Edit" button calls. Because the entire objectList is traversed before my edit button is displayed, objectItem is set to null.

Also, you mentioned something about setting the multiple submit to true. How do I set the multiple submit flag? Also, do I need to be concerned about this if only one of my radio buttons can be selected?
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