Honestly, for me, productivity went forward by leaps and bounds when I switched to Eclipse/WOLips. I don't know about anyone else, but I found that debugging WO (especially with lots of frameworks) with xcode was extremely painful, requiring lots of recompiles and manual references. Maybe I was doing something wrong, but in Eclipse, it 'just works'.

I'll never go back!


On Jan 22, 2007, at 2:18 PM, Jonathan Miller wrote:


I've taken the plunge (started using Eclipse) and it is really not that bad at all. Matter of fact the only issue that I saw that is a real problem, is it does not out of the box compile applications for SSDD/WAR correctly. It took someone from the list to help me get this going. Other than that, I see no reason to go back to XCode. Eclipse can be modified to add code completion support for not only HTML, but CSS and JavaScript too. So, in many ways it is a better web page design tool than WOBuilder. Have a look at www.aptana.com

re: Who has the time? Unfortunately (fortunately?), I believe this profession requires you to learn new things all the time and this is just one more instance of it.



I keep hearing the phrase's "once I converted my projects" and "once
I got use to Eclipse/WOLips."  That's a really big problem for a lot

We don't have the month or more to figure out and acclimate ourselves
to Eclipse/WOLips and painstakingly convert all of our projects and
frameworks (which I'm still fighting with).  Combine this with the
fact that now I'll be editing my HTML and WOD files by hand and we're
talking a serious loss of productivity. (and time... and money...)
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