
Well, I think the best solution would go the way as Core Data went. Basically, the lucky guys I know who do all the bells and whistles with desktop apps say that Core Data editing contexts are independent. IE, no auto-updating, no problems at all.

I don't know if going no auto-updating contexts would be a good idea (I don't really know why this is done in WO anyway, it was some advantages but also some disadvantages), but DEFINITELY the OL should work based on the context snapshot, and not on the raw row snapshot.

Basically, whatever is done should keep this in mind: one should only have to solve the concurrency problem once. We have to do it for inter-instances concurrency, with OL. We shouldn't have to do it again, with "synchronized" and so and so on intra-instance concurrency.


Miguel Arroz

On 2007/08/02, at 12:49, Mike Schrag wrote:

On Aug 2, 2007, at 1:12 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

The problem comes in when the modifications are made and saved after your editing context has been locked in the RR loop. I tricked ;-) Mike into looking at this today with. Looks like tigers lurk here. Maybe Mike will comment.

Chuck and I looked into this some yesterday ... It would appear that there is, in our opinion, some bugs related to optimistic locking within a single EOF stack. Essentially what it boils down to is that it appears that the update database operation that is created as a result of a call to .saveChanges() is backed by the EODatabaseContext snapshot and NOT the "working" snapshot inside in the EO in the editing context it came from. What this means is that while changes are not merged until you .unlock() and .lock() under normal circumstances, because the underlying snapshot that EOF diffs your changes against on save is the DBC snapshot, it's effectively inadvertently "merged" on commit. That is to say that if another EC makes changes and saves, then you make different changes and save, you will blow away their changes with no sign of an optimistic locking exception because your snapshot IS their snapshot now (meaning, it looks like just you are overwriting their changes, versus the reality of the situation that you are actually conflicting with their changes). After discussing this some, we believe that if the update operation used a version of the EO's backing snapshot instead that these weird behaviors would be fixed and it would behave exactly like a normal conflicting update if you were in two EOF stacks. The current behavior smells of bug, but I'm curious if anyone a dissenting opinion on the topic. It's certainly really complicated and nasty down in that code, so it's possible there's some crazy justifiable reason for it.

Here are two diagrams of examples ... Left side is EC 1, right side is EC 2, purple is the state of the EO in EC1 at various points, yellow is the state of the same EO in EC2 at various points.

Here's the "blow-away-other-changes-in-the-EO" workflow:
<Preview of “RaceCondition.graffle”.pdf>
Here's the "no optimistic lock exception" example:
<Preview of “NoOptimisticLock.graffle”.pdf>

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