2) Tags inside of tags (<td class = "<webobject name = "SomeClass"/ >">). This is EVIL. The WOLips validator has also been yelling at you about this for months now, and that was very intentional. If you listened to it, you're in a much better position for 5.4. There is no automatic fix for this ... In fact, I would not be surprised that this will probably whack out the WOLips autoformatter and wobuilder cleaner.

What about <td class = "cl<webobject name = SomeClass></webobject>"> ?
I believe this is illegal in 5.4. This is sort of dirty even without 5.4, IMO, though. Legal, but ugly. I prefer WOGenericContainers or Wonder's helper functions for things like this.

3) lazy tags. <br> <p> <li> all those tags you love to not close ... WOLips lets you get away with it in non-5.4 mode, but you should be ashamed of yourself :)

Hmm.. Closing br tags, at least, is invalid for html 4.01 strict. Seems a strange assumption to me that all templating is xhtml.
<link> is the same way, actually. I should not have lumped <br> in that list above. This is why I prefer Wonder's parser over WO 5.4's. 5.4 provides support for doing crazy stuff like defining groovy expressions inside wod files, etc (which I find to be pretty nasty and WOLips doesn't even ATTEMPT to try to validate that stuff). Other than that, I think Wonder's is a more developer-friendly parser. I am, however, totally biased on this topic :) I think groovy components over in-place groovy bindings is probably the better approach to solve the dynamic binding problem.


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