Dave, Chuck,

I was out of town (and computerless, it hurt) for a few days, good to see you guys are still having fun :)

OK, everything I write here is based on the assumption that your inner class will NOT be an EO. Did I get that right? If I misunderstood, it does not apply... If you want your EOs to have inner EOs, then my reply indeed would be "are you bleepin' nuts!?" :)

Sounds like a good idea, what you are doing, but is there a reason you want to isolate the "summarizedComponents" cache into an inner class? Why not just use a List? As for the inner class idea, I can not see anything against it, since your inner class will not be an EO. If it was, well, that could hurt, and I am not sure if you could get EOF to play along.

The reason why I would use a List in the EO, is because it would make KVC simpler. Well, it would make everything simpler... You could just define a Java-only property and voila...

Well, that does not sound so back. JavaClient may throw a spanner into it.

Can't see why. From what I understand, EOF would be ignorant of this construction built on top of it, it should be OK.

Biggest issue is that you can't do the work on the server, then send the EOs containing the Inner Class down to the client because EOF doesn't know how to encode the Inner Class as part of the Client-Server EOF Sync, assumably because the Inner Classes aren't in the Model.

Hm... Also, on the client the users expect to see the changes they do to data immediately reflected in all their aspects (if there is a change somewhere along the line, users want the "summarizedComponents" to reflect that). So, if somebody was modify one of the relationships along the way (on the client), and the summarizing work was being done on the server, the client would either not have the changes updated in your "summarizedComponents" property, OR you would have to do some painfully fancy server-client comm. Either way, since your caches are not EOs, I believe you are better off doing the work on the client.

And it is good performancewise. Well, you spend more bandwidth on transferring the EOs, but your server has it's work offloaded to clients. This might or it might not be a benefit in your scenario, but it is worth considering.

Or you can define a custom property that is statefull RMI based. Essentially say that the getter for your relationship invokes an RMI method on the server that returns what you need. Heck, you could even do some caching of *that* value. This might work... More on this thought below.

So I end up doing all the work on the client which means bringing a lot of EOs down to the client just to build the summary data there instead of doing the work on the server, right "next to" the DB then copying just the summary data down. With a couple more years experience, maybe I'd figure out how to massage the EODistribution classes into doing what I want (serialize the Inner Classes myself, etc). WOnder<Java Client> here we come.

Uhm. Well, yes, AFAIK EOF will not allow you to serialize any non foundation class. BUT. If you used an NSArray of global IDs (note that you should not transfer EOs manually), you could do it through conventional EOF means. RMI. Even if you are not willing to give up your inner class, you could simply update the embedded cache of EOs it would contain, this way.

What you are doing in caching expensive values in an EO. I do that, it works. You just need to be careful to invalidate the cache at the right time. This can be even tricker when multiple EOs are involved.

Yeah. I think I'm running into this exact problem as I'm ending up with bad data at times. It seems random, but I'm sure it's not.

JBND can do this for you, along countless relationship paths and EOs, with very little effort on your part! I do it all the time! :P

http://web.mac.com/flor385/JBND/api/org/jbnd/support/ KeyPathChangeManager.html

You could use this class without most of JBND (uhm, I think, but if not it can be tweaked), but it relies on your EOs firing DataObjectEvents. Time to switch... I know, not what anyone who is busy wants to hear. Well, look at it this way. If you plan to switch eventually, then the sooner you do it, the more you will benefit from the productivity benefits it is meant to provide for us JC folk.

To summarize how I see it...

If you insist on keeping the work on the server: Have a Java only property defined in the "Part" EOs. On the server that property does the actual work of arranging the array. On the client, it only asks for the server to do the work and send it over in the form of KeyGlobalIDs. On the client, cache the value, and use JBND to find out when there are modifications in the relationships involved. When that happens, empty your cache, and deal with your GUI the way you normally would (in JBND this would entail firing an event saying that for a Part the "summarizedComponents" property changed). This will hurt your performance if you have the server doing Web app work as well, since the caching is only done on the client (because JBND invalidates the caches, and it is client only).

If you prefer doing the work on the client: Have a lazily initialized property, have JBND watch the relationship tree that produces it, on detected change empty your cache and update your GUI. Done.

I know I shout JBND way too much, but this kind of stuff is exactly why it was made, for a big part... If you are doing HTML web apps, you can just use the RR loop to get the latest values. On the client, you have the object graph being changed directly on the client, and if you want to keep the user informed of it, you need good change notifications going. I can't see this being done properly any other way...

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