Hi All -

Wondering if someone can throw me some ideas on solving what looks like an immortal session problem.

- Start up 1 instance in java monitor.
- User lands on sessionless login page. No sessions.
- User logs in. 1 session.
- User logs out. 0 sessions.
- User logs in. 1 session.
- User does nothing. Session times out. 0 sessions.

All looks good. However, we get to the end of the day and the instance has 376 active sessions. But I know for this particular app there are only 6 users, because they are all sitting next door :-) Also, If i now leave this instance overnight none of those active sessions will go away.

So what could be going on ? Something appears to be creating immortal sessions, but forced session termination (by the user logging out) and session expiration seem to be behaving themselves.

Any pointers ?

Thanks, Simon
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