We have a couple of sessionless apps that have started showing this problem with sessions that don't terminate. It turned out the sessions were being created by malformed urls coming from malicious robot web crawlers. The urls were of the form

http://www.courses.qut.edu.au/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Courses.woa/wa/cgi- bin/WebObjects/Courses.woa

Maybe see if you are getting incorrect links to your sessionless login page.

We solved the problem by catching unknown direct actions in DirectAction.java

        public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName) {
                try {
                        return super.performActionNamed(actionName);
                } catch (NSForwardException nsfe) {
log.info("ns forward exception - prbalby no such method for " + actionName);
                return defaultAction();

and in Application.java directing exceptions back to the Main page (for URLs with more than one / after wa).

        public WOComponent pageWithName(String namePage, WOContext context) {
                if ( "WOExceptionPage".equals(namePage) ) {
                        namePage = "Main";
                if ( "WOSessionRestorationError".equals(namePage) ) {
                        namePage = "Main";
                return super.pageWithName(namePage, context);

and in Main.java

        public void setException ( Exception e ) {
                log.error("an exception occurred " + e);

We are running apps with embedded Wonder 4 and WebObjects 5.3.3 on Mac OS X Server 10.5.4 with WebObjects 5.4.2 deployment. We didn't have the problem before we went to this setup, but maybe we weren't getting hit with the same url format then.


On 21/08/2008, at 4:02 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Aug 20, 2008, at 9:54 AM, Simon McLean wrote:

Hi All -

Wondering if someone can throw me some ideas on solving what looks like an immortal session problem.

- Start up 1 instance in java monitor.
- User lands on sessionless login page. No sessions.
- User logs in. 1 session.
- User logs out. 0 sessions.
- User logs in. 1 session.
- User does nothing. Session times out. 0 sessions.

All looks good. However, we get to the end of the day and the instance has 376 active sessions. But I know for this particular app there are only 6 users, because they are all sitting next door :-) Also, If i now leave this instance overnight none of those active sessions will go away.

So what could be going on ? Something appears to be creating immortal sessions, but forced session termination (by the user logging out) and session expiration seem to be behaving themselves.

If the users don't notice any problems, my money would be on an exception thrown from your Session.terminate(). Also check the sleep() method to ensure it can never throw.

I have seen a related problem where two requests come in for the same session (user double clicks, Ajax etc), and the first calls terminate() on the session. The second thread is stuck and the app can't gracefully shut down. IIRC, you would see zero sessions in this case. The "fix" for this is to not call terminate() and instead set the session timeout to a small number of seconds.


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

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