My mistake. IF you want this to be happening in its own editing context:

public WOComponent registerTurns() {
        System.out.println("Antes de salvar "+;
        EOEditingContext editingContext =  ERXEC.newEditingContext();
Employee localEmployee = (Employee)EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, emp); NSArray localSelectedItems = EOUtilities.localInstancesOfObjects(editingContext, selectedItems()); localEmployee .addObjectsToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(localSelectedItems, Employee.TURNS_KEY);
        return null;

However, I think you probably don't... Most likely you're looking for something more like David's solution, but it depends on the behavior you want...


On Oct 14, 2008, at 3:35 PM, Clark Mueller wrote:

I would say the last method should look more like this.

public WOComponent registerTurns() {
        System.out.println("Antes de salvar "+;
        EOEditingContext editingContext =  ERXEC.newEditingContext();
Employee localEmployee = (Employee)EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, emp); localEmployee .addObjectsToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(selectedItems(), Employee.TURNS_KEY);
        return null;


On Oct 14, 2008, at 3:23 PM, WebObjects wrote:

aha ok.

so this is what Im doing at login component.

        public WOComponent loginUser() {
                Employee emp = null;
                PaguinaUsuario pguNext = null;
                try {
EOQualifier qual = Employee.E_MAIL.eq(eMail).and(Employee.PASSWORD.eq(password)); emp = Employee.fetchRequiredEmployee(session().defaultEditingContext(), qual); pguNext = (PaguinaUsuario) pageWithName(PaguinaUsuario.class.getName());
                //      this.errorMessage = "Success";
                } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                        this.errorMessage ="EMail o Contrase–a Erroneos";
                }/*catch (Exception e){
                        System.out.println(emp.nombre()+" y con pass 
                ((Session) session()).setNombreUsuario(;
                return pguNext;

abd this is what Im doing at the "PaguinaUsuario" (UserPage) component.

        public  WOActionResults setCalendar (){

                String dayOfWeek;
                String a[] = dateSelected.split("/");
                this.calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
this .calendar .set (Integer.valueOf(a[0]).intValue(),Integer.valueOf(a[1]).intValue()-1,
                String dayNames[] =  new DateFormatSymbols().getWeekdays();
                dayOfWeek = dayNames[calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)];
// System.out.println("El dia de hoy es un "+dayNames[calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
                //Im gonna obtain all  the turns of the selected day.
                EOQualifier qual = WorkDay.DAY_OF_WEEK.eq(dayOfWeek);
NSArray<EOSortOrdering> order = new NSArray(new ERXSortOrdering("id",ERXSortOrdering.CompareAscending));
NSArray<WorkDay> workDays = WorkDay.fetchWorkDaies(myEC, qual, order);
                //NSMutableArray<Turn> turns = new NSMutableArray<Turn>();
                turns = new NSMutableArray<Turn>();
                NSTimestamp ts;//ts  for TimeStart
                NSTimestamp te; // te for TimeEnd
                for (WorkDay actualWorkDay : workDays){
                        for (Turn actualTurn : actualWorkDay.turns()){
                                ts = actualTurn.startDateTime();
                                te = actualTurn.endDateTime();
NSTimestampFormatter formatter = new NSTimestampFormatter(dayOfWeek+" at %H:%M:%S"); //formatter.setDefaultFormatTimeZone(new NSTimeZone().localTimeZone());
                                String fxST = formatter.format(ts);//fxST for 
                                String fxET = formatter.format(te);
/*System.out.println(actualTurn.startDateTime() + " " + actualTurn.idealEmployees());
                return null;

        public WOComponent registerTurns() {
                System.out.println("Antes de salvar "+;
                EOEditingContext editingContext =  ERXEC.newEditingContext();
                EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, emp);
emp.addObjectsToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(selectedItems(), Employee.TURNS_KEY);
        return null;

I know this last part above its completely wrong, because is the one giving me trouble.

and the turns which are displayed are like this :

<webobject name = "Condition">
<wo:WOForm name = "turnsForm" id = "turnsForm" action = "$registerTurns">
        <div id = "mainContentTunrs">
          <wo:AjaxUpdateContainer id = "turnsSummary">
<span> <wo:WOString value = "Turns for the selected Day:"/> </ span>
           <br />
           <br />
                 <webobject name = "SelectCheck">
                                 <webobject name = "Start" /> TO <webobject name = 
"End" />
<wo:AjaxHighlight id = "turnsSummary" value = "turnsSummary" effect="Effect.BlindDown" scaleMode = "contents" duration = "1.0" />
         <br />
<div class = "niftyAppt" style = "float:right"> <span onClick="submitTurns();" onMouseOver="cursor_pointer();" onMouseOut="cursor_default();">

SelectCheck : WOCheckboxMatrix {

 list = turns;
 item = turno;
 selections = selectedItems;


Im just selecting the turns and then  submitting.

I hope with this you can help me out.... its even funny the error, like "hey you idi....t you cross the boudaries!!!! "" hehehe


On Oct 14, 2008, at 5:10 PM, Clark Mueller wrote:


Sorry, I think I skimmed over your original e-mail a bit quickly. Can you provide a more complete code listing?


On Oct 14, 2008, at 2:34 PM, WebObjects wrote:

On Oct 14, 2008, at 4:13 PM, Clark Mueller wrote:

You need to get a local copy of the object in the editing context where you are trying to make the relationship. Have a look at EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(ec, object).

So even if I sent the EO from one component to another I should get a local copy of it?
I have
EOEditingContext editingContext =  ERXEC.newEditingContext();

I checked the EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, emp); I used also the ERXUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, emp);
and then  tried again
emp.addObjectsToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(selectedItems(), Employee.TURNS_KEY);
and still Im getting the same error, what Im doing wrong?



On Oct 14, 2008, at 2:09 PM, WebObjects wrote:

Hello, Im trying to use this method :

addObjectsToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(NSArray obj1, String arg1)

or something like that.

What I have is my Employee and the turns that tis particular Employee selected. I dunno if I should use the method above or the other one with the same name, but with other arguments, (EORleationShipManipulation eo, String arg1).
Anyway, I tried both but I get this error
java.lang.RuntimeException: You crossed editing context boundaries attempting to set the 'turns' relationship of (in EC [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to (in EC [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
You crossed editing context boundaries attempting to set the 'turns' relationship of < pk:"1"> (in EC [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to < pk:"1"> (in EC [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

I guess Im trying to add to emp the turns which are in different EC, no? what can I do?

The emp I fetch it using a custom EC ERXC.newEditingContext, and this emp, I sent it to the other component where I can select the desired turns. (if this info helps)


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