On Jun 16, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

i've only been half-heartedly following this thread because i hate this part of the system, but here's a random thought that maybe is useful .. .maybe isn't .....

eclipse="true" in the ant tasks ONLY loads wo frameworks, it does not load anything else from .classpath, so if you have something other than a framework reference, it doesn't really care and you have to include that yourself.

erm, should it be caring and loading them? Is there a reason (other than you hate this part of the system which I totally understand) why it ignores them?

dependency ordering is ... kind of weird .. if you're talking frameworks, it should do the right thing ... if you're mixing, i honestly don't really know. i suspect non framework deps will always end up at the end. there are some tricky problems because by the time we get the list of dependencies, it's a flattened set of jars, and we've lost the hierarchical aspect, which we essentially try to reconstruct, but applying some heuristics to get it right ........ mostly...... i guess you are running into a case where that's just not true. i actually have no idea how the maven folks deal with this one, as I assume they have some similar kinds of issues (that you can't just apply a depth-first dependency ordering or you get burned trying to do things like getting wonder first, but getting a framework to come in front of that).

sooo .. anyway, there are some random words that might clarify some things, but most likely just make the issue cloudier. you can try to dig through the insanity in the DependencyOrdering class in the woenvironment project to try and diagnose wtf is going on. this code is also dealing with the fact that you could end up having a project and a non-project version of the same framework in your build path, so it wants to prefer the first one and get rid of the second, but it's totally lost its framework grouping by the time it gets to this code.

On Jun 16, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

Run away!  Run away!  Run away!


On Jun 16, 2009, at 4:12 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

On Jun 16, 2009, at 3:36 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

but it appears that anything in the .classpath file that is a type="lib" get's ignored. Which may be why the build.xml file goes and grabs everything out of the Libraries directory.

I suspect that you are mixing Apples and Octopus Hair here, but I am only guessing. Hopefully Mike will see this and comment on New Hotness and type="lib".

Maybe. (Two great tastes that taste great together, don't cha know) but the type="var" isn't getting picked up either. Do you use that?

No. I notice that Mike is studiously ignoring this thread. Perhaps he does not use lib stuff and never noticed this?

Yes, I've noticed his lack of participation. I figured you two had drawn straws and you got the short one.


PS. I'm now working on getting the same thing working, only on Windows. So far so good. There will be a screen cast.

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