Well here's what I'm seeing... my component determines that it is the one that should invoke the action and goes through this code:

        // Tell context that an action was performed.  If this is
        // not done, the form's default action will be called also.
111:    wocontext.setActionInvoked(true);
113: WOActionResults obj = (WOActionResults) valueForBinding(ACTION_BINDING_KEY);
114:    if (obj == null) obj = wocontext.page();
116:    return obj;

Line # 113 should be calling the action method that is bound to the action binding. That is the method on which I set the breakpoint that I was referring to earlier. The one I never hit. So if I don't hit the breakpoint then it's not calling it. But it is calling something else because I see stuff show on the console every time I evaluate the expression valueForBinding(ACTION_BINDING_KEY).

Anyways, I'll try to investigate what is getting called... or maybe take a look at valueForBinding to find out why it's not calling the right thing.

If I evaluate the expression _associationWithName(ACTION_BINDING_KEY) in the debugger right after line #113 I get the following:

(ognl.helperfunction.WOHelperFunctionBindingNameAssociation) <ognl.helperfunction.WOHelperFunctionBindingNameAssociation: keyPath=^action>

On Jun 25, 2009, at 10:19 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jun 25, 2009, at 7:10 PM, Ricardo J. Parada wrote:

On Jun 25, 2009, at 9:53 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:


Does anybody see anything obvious in this stack trace? I used to have this exception ages ago and it was obscure. I don't recall what ended up fixing it exactly but now that I moved my application to Wonder I'm running into this again and haven't figured out yet why or how to fix it. Any ideas?? Pleeeassee!! :-)

I have seen this before. It is caused by the context not knowing the current component. This is hitting some action method. What is it returning?

I see in the stack trace that it's going through the invokeAction phase. But the action method that is supposed to get called has not been called yet. I set a breakpoint in the method that it's supposed to get called but I hit the exception first and the action method never gets called.

I'll set a breakpoint in the invokeAction() method of the component that is supposed to call the action to see how things look from there.

From what I can tell the _popComponentFromContext() gets the current component from the context and then to message it and throws the null pointer exception because the current component is null for some obscure reason.

Anyways, I'm taking a look at the invokeAction in my component.

I really ought to take better notes when I hit things like this.


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

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