Op 7 nov 2009, om 06:20 heeft Ashley Aitken het volgende geschreven:

> I'm always blown away by the power of D2*, especially D2JC (even given the 
> "Java GUI").  I was never too clear on the development process after having 
> built the CRUD, it seemed less quite mysterious (and not very well 
> documented).
> However, I thought these parts of WO haven't been getting much love from 
> Apple lately?  What is the status of D2JC and D2W and D2WS?  Has anything 
> been updated by Apple?  I know that Apple's tools have been deprecated / 
> removed.  Is D2* still used by Apple?
> Cheers,
> Ashley.

It is really sad to see such great technology wither. I fully agree with David 
on the power of D2JC. 

The argument on java being ugly could have been solved years ago by 
implementing the laf (Look And Feel) extensions properly. The hooks are all 
there in the java frameworks.

The argument that developing for the browser is easier and deloyment quicker 
does make sense. However, there is Java Webstart, which is a great technology 
to get fresh client updates magically. It is just as powerful to get fresh 
updates as to rely on the webserver to push the new workings to the browser. (i 
just had some interesting experiences by the way with caching old pages in 
Safari. It starts to get more and more as Explorer  ("I don't see the changes 
in the website!" "Do you use Explorer?" "Yes, everybody does." "First empty the 
caches, Then stop Explorer. Then download Netscape/Mozilla/FireFox/Opera. Now 
remove Explorer. Oh wait. Cant do that. Anyway, look again at the website").

The Remote Method Invocation of D2JC is so much stronger than  XMLHttpRequest, 
no debugging ajax requests, etc. It just works. 

Oh, and security. I know that every technology has its bugs. But there are 
-give and take-  3 JVM's in the world. There is a 1000 flowers blossoming 
amount of webbrowers on this planet with each their own implementation of 
javascript and related technologies. Keyloggers, cross side scripting are all 
over the place. Not too mention this nice Flash plugin that seems to wreak 
havoc everytime a new machine gets introduced. 

Of course there is one more thing. 

The iPhone. 

Who gives a sh*t about a phone that does not have an sd slot and a replaceable 

(Disclaimer: I own an iPhone too. I wanted to test it as a QRcode scanner. It 
did not work out. I am looking for third party solutions of barcode scanners to 
attach to smart phones, be it Android. Symbian. iPhone, whatever).

I Apple would have given the same amount of love to D2JC as it did to the 
normal WebObjects development tools….

Oh wait. It did. 

It seems once again, corporate sense and common sense are on a diverging path.

> --
> Ashley Aitken
> Perth, Western Australia
> mrhatken at mac dot com
> Skype Name: MrHatken (GMT + 8 Hours!)
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