You could argue that it doesn't matter much if a JavaClient looks awful on
the Mac since 90% of your user will be running Windows - and probably more
for a business application.  Also, the
and feel introduced in Java 1.6 is pretty nice, and available for Java
1.5 with a separate library.  It is very aqua-like, but not native, so you
don't have to worry about it not quite matching the native look, sort of
like the way browser apps do.

Still, I agree that I prefer SWT's appearance to Swing's.  You can also make
a JavaClient app with SWT (not a D2JC one though).


On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Mike Schrag <> wrote:

> Sure, I agree yours is real and mine's a picture, but that wasn't really my
> point. My point was about visual mismatch with the native platform. If
> you're OK with the app looking .... like Java ... , by all means, ship it. I
> find Java desktop apps to be mostly visually repugnant (the same reason that
> I work on Maclipse, but at least SWT has a fighting chance), and I don't
> believe you can actually make it un-gross without a huge amount of work.
> It's a question of what matters to you, though.
> That said, pretty much everything in the main chunk of your email isn't
> really D2JC, it's just D2*. I'm sold already on the RAD value of D2*
> technologies, I'm just not at all convinced that D2JC is the right D2 to
> choose in most cases. If time-to-market is the primary concern, it seems to
> me that you have dramatically faster styling and design capabilities with
> D2W. You can hire an designer off the street to do CSS/HTML work for you,
> whereas you'd dump a pile of hours into custom Swing controls. This is
> essentially the same argument I have against the IB/Cocoa style of
> development. The RAD time in IB/Cocoa is just way longer than making the
> equivalent UI web-based. Maybe one screen you can layout a little quicker,
> but start doing multiscreen workflows, and you're just sinking time into
> Cocoa work (you can really see this when you try to RAD an iphone app -- i
> find it to be very expensive to do in contrast to web RADing). The
> flip-side, of course, is that it looks awesome. It's the trade-off again.
> So I guess the question is really "given a project spec, what feature in
> the project would cause on to choose D2JC over D2W."
> ms
> On Nov 6, 2009, at 11:48 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 9:54 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:
>>  couple mins of Interface Builder mockup (mac-up?):
>>> <PastedGraphic-2.png><PastedGraphic-3.png>
>> Nice looking and it shows how powerful Interface Builder can be in making
>> UIs, but mine isn't just a mock-up it's a fully functional application -
>> warts and all. It really talks to the server, sync ECs, validates, etc. etc.
>> Again, I dropped an EOModel into my template project and launched it. Then
>> used the EOAssistant to configure which attributes showed, what type of
>> widget they used (PopUp, text field, explorer, etc) and where they appeared
>> on the screen. That's it. No code. There's not a single Java Class besides
>> Application, DirectAction, Session and two components: Main and JavaClient,
>> none of which are modified beyond the stock template.
>>  So D2JC is certainly _passable_, but it's far from being a proper mac app
>>> (those default old style boxes are the dead giveaway for java apps, though
>>> there's a Swing client property to switch box styles, IIRC). Now, certainly,
>>> if you spent enough time, you could tweak things and make it a lot closer,
>>> but it's always going to be off.
>> Yes, and so will any web app, only more so. Now, your point about the
>> uncanny valley is very true. D2JC comes almost too close to the look of a
>> native app. If it were further off like a web app people's expectations
>> would be lowered and no one would complain. But being uncanny hardly seems a
>> valid reason to throw away something that saves literally _hundreds_ of
>> hours of development time, especially for internal, CRUD-type admin
>> applications.
>> But I don't think that using D2JC to create shipping CRUD-type
>> applications is really its most appropriate or useful application. To me,
>> it's all about lowering project risk by getting stake-holders involved as
>> soon as possible in the development process and as a prototyping and
>> model-validating tool.
>> D2JC is an incredibly powerful tool when used as a means to an end. WIth
>> D2JC you can have a _fully functional_ application with just an EOModel.
>> This allows you, as a developer, to get a true feel for how well your model
>> represents the business context without having to write any code. You can
>> immediately start creating records in the database, setting relationships,
>> deleting objects, orphaning them, etc. through EOF which will verify that
>> the relationships are properly setup including that your deletion rules and
>> ownership settings work as you expect. Again, you can do all this without
>> writing any code! You don't have to ever show it to an end-user if you don't
>> want to.
>> Change your model? No problem. Rebuild (copy the revised EOModel to the
>> build directory) and relaunch your app and your changes are immediately
>> reflected in the UI. Since you haven't written any code, you don't have to
>> refactor! What's better than Eclipse's refactoring tools? Not needing to
>> refactor at all. D2JC greatly speeds the process of modeling and validating
>> that the model reflects reality.
>> On top of all this, since you have a fully functional application, with
>> all CRUD functions, revert functionality, validation, etc, it _can_
>> transition into the initial data-entry, data-cleanup application to
>> populate/scrub the database and even be used by non-developers (business
>> users). How many times have you created spreadsheets for users to do data
>> entry into so you can then import them into the DB? With D2JC what you give
>> them can be a real application that writes directly to the DB.
>> Keep in mind that you can do all of this - requirements to working
>> prototype - in ONE DAY with no code. It is easy to start with some basic
>> requirements, create a model, then an app, and take it to the stake-holders
>> to show how various pieces fit together and get even better feedback on
>> workflows because you are giving them something they can see and understand
>> not an abstract diagram. You can then make revisions and return with a
>> revised, working application _minutes_ later. Yes, I said minutes!
>> Once you've validated that the Model accurately reflects reality by having
>> actually putting it to use, you can now start the labor-intensive process of
>> creating the finely tuned UI that looks and works exactly how you want it
>> to. Because you have already done a substantial amount of model and business
>> context validation there will be far less risk of having to tear it all
>> apart due to having missed something fundamental in the model.
>> I'd like to see any other technology do that, WO-based or not.
>>  And we're just talking chrome, not behavior of the app, which is often
>>> even more off.
>> D2JC certainly has some UI clumsiness to it, especially when working with
>> many-to-many relationships and dealing with Inheritance.
>>  Of course you have to do all these tweaks for each platform, too --
>>> though you're a fair bit closer than my CocoaClient app is running on
>>> Windows :)
>> I think what it comes down to is that I would not suggest using D2JC in a
>> situation where you have to have complete control over the UI or have even
>> reasonably complicated work-flows. On top of that, I don't think it would be
>> worth the effort to tweak the UI for one platform, let alone multiple ones.
>> The fact that it runs "passibly" on all Java platforms without writing any
>> UI code at all, to me is simply amazing and incredibly powerful.
>> Whew, that's more than I intended to write. :-)
>> Dave
>>> ms
>>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 8:50 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
>>>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 8:17 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:
>>>>  So if we're stirring the pot here ... For me, it's not being cool in
>>>>> the browser, it's about Java apps looking terrible. You can immediately 
>>>>> tell
>>>>> when you're using a Java app ... Things are just never quite right, but 
>>>>> they
>>>>> try to sell themselves as being native. It's an uncanny valley situation.
>>>>> Eclipse/SWT are using native controls for lots of things and they get it
>>>>> wrong, too. Swing just doesn't have a chance. Go try IDEA -- it looks
>>>>> TERRIBLE. Look at their preference panels. I tweeted when IDEA went free
>>>>> that I can see how to make Eclipse right, but I'd never be able to make 
>>>>> IDEA
>>>>> right.
>>>> I understand the uncanny valley. In most cases you are absolutely right.
>>>> Here's a screen grab from my current D2JC project, I think it looks pretty
>>>> good, although it doesn't look like a modern OS X app (iTunes, etc):
>>>> <PastedGraphic-3.png>
>>>>> For browser apps, it's obvious they're not native apps, and the bar is
>>>>> set low in the browser at this point, so you can make a slick looking app,
>>>>> and it doesn't have to be perfectly native, and people are still OK with 
>>>>> it.
>>>>> I would be far more interested in CocoaClient where you actually have a
>>>>> chance of pulling off a nice end-user deliverable.
>>>> I agree. For me a WO Cocoa Client is the Holy Grail of Client-Server. I
>>>> want it. Badly.
>>>>  That said, I recognize that there are plenty of apps where "looking
>>>>> slick" doesn't really matter -- that you just need to get some business 
>>>>> app
>>>>> out there. But what does Java bring to the table that you're not getting 
>>>>> in
>>>>> the browser?
>>>> With plain WebObjects JavaClient, you get
>>>> 1) Real Java on the client. No messing around learning JavaScript (or
>>>> waiting for the "next great JS framework") to implement UI logic.
>>>> 2) EOF on the Client with
>>>>        - automatic syncing of Client and Server EditingContexts (works
>>>> very similar to Child ECs)
>>>>        - batching
>>>>        - faulting
>>>>        - validation
>>>>  Why not just use D2W? Drag and drop is about the only thing, and that
>>>>> will be in the good browsers pretty soon.
>>>> For me, it's not about the features you get in the client, although
>>>> there's some cool stuff that way too. It's the dead-simple development side
>>>> that makes it so awesome to me. With WebObjects D2JC you don't have to 
>>>> write
>>>> _any_ code at all. No HTML. No CSS. No JavaScript. Not even rules! You hear
>>>> that D2W guys? The D2JC EOAssistant works great and it will write most of
>>>> the rules you need! Here's a screen capture of it (it's also a Java Client
>>>> app that communicates with WOLips to update the user.d2wmodel file):
>>>> <PastedGraphic-6.tiff>
>>>> Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack this thread with Java Client, but hey
>>>> Anjo brought it up! :-P
>>>> Dave
>>>>> I do, however, think D2JC is a _neat_ technology, in that it's
>>>>> amazingly clever what it's doing under the covers, I just am not sold on 
>>>>> the
>>>>> end result.
>>>>> ms
>>>>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 7:41 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
>>>>>  Hey! Did I hear "JavaClient"?! :-D
>>>>>> Yeah, it will be cool if someday we get the tools to do something
>>>>>> client-server like JavaClient.
>>>>>> Oh wait! We already _have_ WebObjects-based JavaClient, and
>>>>>> Direct-To-JavaClient and it works today and has for _years_.
>>>>>> Sure, it's not as "cool" as a browser-based solution, in the same way
>>>>>> WO isn't as "cool" as Ruby.
>>>>>> **ducks, runs for cover and scrambles to get the D2JC project template
>>>>>> updated**
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 7:32 AM, Anjo Krank wrote:
>>>>>>  Not really sure... basically you'd need something totally new, as
>>>>>>> this would be more like JavaClient and not like a web app. But all this 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> *moot* until we don't have it.
>>>>>>> Cheers, Anjo
>>>>>>> Am 06.11.2009 um 13:05 schrieb Mike Schrag:
>>>>>>>  Yeah .. I suspect there could be a GianduiaLook, and that would make
>>>>>>>> a lot of sesnse.
>>>>>>>> ms
>>>>>>>>  I think we've seen with the SproutCore stuff that it's not. Apart
>>>>>>>>> from *maybe* a JS D2W.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers, Anjo
>>>>>>>>> Am 06.11.2009 um 02:54 schrieb Mike Schrag:
>>>>>>>>>  rom my perspective, I don't know that it's worth building a server
>>>>>>>>>> stack on top of it as much as I think it would be nice to leverage 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> development tools we already have to make it easier to write the 
>>>>>>>>>> Javascript.
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