Hi John,

Yes several people have suggested that, and it's probably what I will do in the end. The problem is that it significantly increases the file size and as I'm deploying to a remote server with not particularly fast upload, it slows down the process a lot when updating apps. At the moment I don't really need to have different versions deployed alongside each other and all my apps are using basically the same frameworks etc. I'd like to get them configured and set up correctly on the server, once I have that scenario and I understand better how it works, I'll be able to consider embedding them if I don't need to upload too often. Once I actually get this test server up and running locally, it will hopefully mean less uploading anyway :)

As I'm sure you've gathered, I'm pretty new to Linux and I'm trying to learn as much as I can along the way. If I can get it all working, I then have to do this all over again on the live deployment server (we'll be ordering a new one with CentOS which is why I'm using that on the local one). Assuming I can get that all done, I will hopefully be able to put together a How-To for anyone else trying to do it. There is some good info available already, but I'm afraid some of it was beyond me and assumed I knew more about Linux than I do.

I'm not really deploying on Linux by choice - it's the OS that our hosting server uses. Not that it doesn't interest me to learn it, but I'm starting at a point that means a lot of learning to get the thing up and running!


On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:58 PM, John Bruce wrote:

Hi David,

If exporting the NEXT_ROOT doens't work you can also edit the
UNIXClassPath.txt file which is inside your woa in the Contents/UNIX
directory. There you can set the path to the frameworks explicity
which should solve the problem for now while you work on the NEXT_ROOT

In my build / deploy process I embed the frameworks (as well as the
particular WO version that app is using) inside a directory and set
the path explicity in the file. That way I can depoy different apps
that use differnt WO versions alongside each other.



On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 9:30 PM, David Griffith <da...@infinityspain.com> wrote:
Hi John,

I did have an error in the path to the apps, I've fixed that and it works
great now.  To start the apps I mean.
I can connect to JavaMonitor on port 56789.

I've installed all the Wonder frameworks, the mysql-connector/j, mysql
server, installed my database and added users etc.

Now, I'm sure this is something so stupid, but I can't see what it is....

I'm trying to start the iPSDistributor app as user 'appserver'.  The
NEXT_ROOT variable IS set as you can see below, but the first thing the app
says is that it is NOT set.

[appser...@localhost iPSDistributor.woa]$ echo $NEXT_ROOT
[appser...@localhost iPSDistributor.woa]$ ./iPSDistributor
iPSDistributor: NEXT_ROOT environment variable is not set!
Reading UNIXClassPath.txt ...
Launching iPSDistributor.woa ...

Obviously it crashes out with NoClassDef errors etc as it can't find the
NEXT_ROOT.  What have I done wrong here?


On Nov 9, 2009, at 4:07 PM, John Bruce wrote:

Hi David,

you can test that the script works properly by trying to launch webobjects

/etc/init.d/webobjects start
/etc/init.d/webobjects stop

after running this you should have the two java processes running - if
not then there's something wrong. Perhaps check the permissions on the
script, the NEXT_ROOT / USER variables and that it is executable etc

Also the reason for the:

chkconfig --levels 2345 webobjects on

is that the script defaults to 345 (at least it did for me) and you
porbably want it to run at level 2 as well.

- John

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:30 PM, David Griffith <da...@infinityspain.com >

Immediately after reboot:

root 2764 0.0 0.1 3916 664 pts/0 R+ 17:29 0:00 grep java


On Nov 9, 2009, at 3:23 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

ps auxww | grep java

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