Gee, it's been 5 years since I last touched this...

You need to override 

    public void validationFailedWithException(Throwable e, Object value, String 
keyPath) {

in your page and have code similar to the stuff in ERD2WPage, also you need to 
extend ERXGenRec and let it use ERXEntityClassDesc. And your component needs to 
call parent().validationFailedWithException();

Cheers, Anjo

Am 12.11.2009 um 18:45 schrieb Riccardo De Menna:

>> Oh, and the push changes thing appears to be controlled by a property. It 
>> appears that if you want to turn it on you would put
>> er.extensions.ERXValidationShouldPushChangesToObject=true
>> In your properties file.
> It doesn't seem to work for me. Even though I turn it on, a model based 
> exception due to non null field that has been left empty doesn't get pushed.
> I'm not sure to grasp all the flow of it, but for what I see the push setting 
> acts when an old NSValidation.ValidationException gets converted through the 
> ERXValidation class.
> Backstepping the validation the main point where this could happen but 
> doesn't (in my particular case) looks like ERD2WPage. The code checks for "e 
> instanceof ERXValidationException" and since it's already the case, no call 
> to ERXValidation is made and so no "pushing" is honored.
> I can obviously call it myself... but is there a more appropriate way? Anjo?
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