Yeah, caught me very much by surprise because I ran last year with no problems. That must have gotten reset somewhere along the way form last year to this year.

But you're right about frontbase. My site got hammered (actually, my lack of optimally prefetching caused most of the hammering) but frontbase never did crash, deadlock or anything like that. It slowed down considerably at peak times before I optimized my fetches, but it kept on chugging a long and never dropped a thing.


On Mar 23, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Gaastra Dennis - WO Lists wrote:

Hi Jeff,

This was a funny exception back in 2007. Adjusting the connection dictionary like Chuck mentioned fixed the problem back them; and it has never re-occured since then. We have been using FrontBase for the largest professional drivings schools in Canada since then without any problems. Viva FrontBase!!!

With Kind Regards,

Dennis Gaastra,
Chief Technology Officer,
WEBAPPZ®  Systems, Inc.

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On 2010-03-22, at 10:48 PM, Jeff Schmitz wrote:

I was seeing the same thing as below and it was very repeatable on both my development and deployment machines. I made the suggested change, and the error went away on my development machine. However when I install the new build on my deployment machine, I still get the error (very repeatably). Is there something extra I need to do to make sure that kind of change gets installed when you build and deploy your project? As a note, my EOModel resides in a framework project that I build and install separately from my main project. And yes, I have installed both parts and still am seeing the error.


On Jan 10, 2007, at 4:39 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jan 10, 2007, at 2:33 PM, Gaastra Dennis - WO Lists wrote:

Dear colleagues,

This exception just appeared at random during deployment. Yes, there are multiple WO application instances and multiple sessions per instance, but this never has caused a problem before. We were just trying to insert an object into the database. Any tips, pointers? Frontbase? WO?

You. :-) Add /isolation=read_committed/locking=optimistic to your URL so that it looks like this:

JDBCUrl = "jdbc:FrontBase://localhost/GVCSiteMaker/ isolation=read_committed/locking=optimistic";



com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException: EvaluateExpression failed: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.FrontbasePlugIn$FrontbaseExpression: "INSERT INTO "Client"("address_PostalZip", "phone_Fax", "modify_user_id", "create_user_id", "date_Registration", "notes_textblob_id", "birthDate", "date_LastPayment", "client_id", "isActive", "sourceInformation", "address_Line1", "address_Line2", "name_Last", "salesPerson_employee_id", "address_ProvinceState", "branch_id", "name_First", "date_RTEligible", "modify_date", "currentBalance", "address_Additional", "address_City3C", "dlClass_id", "address_Country", "address_City", "division_id", "create_date", "phone_Home", "dlNumber", "date_LastBooking", "phone_Cell", "highSchool", "phone_Additional", "office_id", "eMail", "programCourse") VALUES ('A1Z-5Z1', NULL, NULL, 'rhonda', TIMESTAMP '2007-01-10 00:00:00.000', 1000633, TIMESTAMP '1951-07-29 00:00:00.000', NULL, 1000553, 1, NULL, '87-Spear Rd', NULL, 'Nesty', 1000018, 'BC', 100000 1, 'Mario', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Chi', 1000001, 'Canada', 'Chillilove', 1000002, TIMESTAMP '2007-01-10 11:56:10.003', '604-793-8439', '6892720', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1000001, NULL, 'CL-3 ABC($900.00)')">: Next exception:SQL State:00 subclass = " -- error code: 380 -- msg: Exception condition 380. Pessimistic locking: multiple transaction conflict detected (deadlock). Next exception:SQL State:40 subclass = 00 -- error code: 363 -- msg: Exception condition 363. Transaction rollback.

With Kind Regards,

Dennis Gaastra, M.B.A.[], B.Sc.[]
Chief Technology Officer,

WEBAPPZ Systems, Inc.
HQ:  (+1) 604.921.1333
Fax:  (+1) 604.921.4313
Cell:  (+1) 604.787.2532
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