Ramsey: thanks for this.

More thought on this.... I should frame this as two questions:  how to
adequately model a property as a java enum and how to use such a
property via conventional and D2w components.

The former isn't clear cut AFAIK. In particular, I've been bitten by
the bug (?) highlighted in this email:

I only came across this when I managed to find out that I would need
to use com.eldrix.MyClass$MyEnum rather than the dot notation.

Am I missing done documentation on this or do I need to update the
template file as suggested in that email?

For the second issue, I see ERD2WEditToOneRelationship will handle
this although I haven't quite got the hang on the possibleChoices
binding and in particular trying to use the enum's own values getter.

All hints gratefully received!

On Thursday, April 8, 2010, Ramsey Lee Gurley <rgur...@mac.com> wrote:
> For an enum specifically, you can use a custom component like
> https://r2d2w.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/r2d2w/trunk/ERR2d2w/Components/Nonlocalized.lproj/R2D2WEditEnum.wo/
> Or you can just use rules and the ERDEditToOneRelationship component.  That 
> component is flexible enough to handle the job.  Spoiler: I actually plan on 
> covering exactly this example in detail at WOWODC this year (^_^)
> Ramsey
> On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:
>> Hi all, please forgive a very simple question but I'd like to create a
>> lightweight (non-EO) to-one relationship from an EO. I make heavy use
>> of D2W so I want to fulfil the WO/EOF rules and use to-one
>> relationship components....
>> I usually create a new entity and have a genuine heavyweight EOF
>> relationship but I have several properties for which this seems
>> excessive.
>> I have an entity (FormEdssFull) which can have a visual field score
>> for both right and left eye.
>> Can I do this with a java enum?
>> public enum VisualAcuity {
>>  NORMAL(0, "Normal"),
>>  SIGNS_ONLY(1, "Signs only:"),
>>  MODERATE(2, "Moderate"),
>>  MARKED(3, "Marked");
>> /* insert enum constructor etc... */
>> }
>> and then create the appropriate accessor and mutator in the entity?
>> What do other people do in these situations?
>> Many thanks,
>> Mark
>> --
>> Dr. Mark Wardle
>> Specialist registrar, Neurology
>> Cardiff, UK
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