On Apr 15, 2010, at 5:53 AM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
On Apr 15, 2010, at 8:07 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
On Apr 14, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

Well, there's only going to be one of each enum in memory. So, that's a bonus.

Memory is cheap. :-)

They are fast to access... I don't block a thread waiting on a fault. That's good too. On that same line of thought, there's no need to prefetch them.

Well, reading in 5 key-value rows from a table can't take all that long, even if you don't prefetch them. Obviously if they are used thousands of times in a transaction, then you'll need to speed it up, but I'd optimize it only if it's actually slowing things down.

Does any of that make a big difference? I don't know. Can't hurt though (^_^)

Depends on your definition of pain., I guess. :-)

I've always looked at it as a case of if the value is defined only in code, how do people who are reading the data directly out of the DB know what the value in the DB means? How do you make everything consistent between your app and a reporting system reading data out of it?

DBA: "Oh hey, this transaction has a status of 1. What does 1 mean? Is it Active? Is it Closed? What? Now I've got to track down that bleeping developer and ask him to interpret this data. Would it have been so hard for him to just include all the context of his application in the DB where anyone can get at it? It's not like a few 5-row key-value tables are going to bring the DB to it's knees..."

Wait, what is the DBA doing with some dumb DB tools when he has D2JC? (^_~)

I believe the enum prototype in wonder stores them as a string. So, continuing with Mark's example, your DBA would just see NORMAL, SIGNS_ONLY, MODERATE, etc. He doesn't see some fk and need to jump to another table to figure out what that fk happens to be. It sounds like you're arguing against enumeration entities now (^_^)

At least that's what I hear in my head whenever I think about it.

cue: Chuck.

So far, I have not been using enums - though I can see the attraction. The big reason for that is that I am stuck with a tool that can only parse Java 1.4 syntax. Using something like ERXEnterpriseObjectCache with these Lookup EOs eliminates the fetching problem leaving you with a small memory and performance overhead. It is not something that keeps me up at night.


On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Hi all, please forgive a very simple question but I'd like to create a lightweight (non-EO) to-one relationship from an EO. I make heavy use
of D2W so I want to fulfil the WO/EOF rules and use to-one
relationship components....

I usually create a new entity and have a genuine heavyweight EOF
relationship but I have several properties for which this seems

I have an entity (FormEdssFull) which can have a visual field score
for both right and left eye.

Can I do this with a java enum?

public enum VisualAcuity {
NORMAL(0, "Normal"),
SIGNS_ONLY(1, "Signs only:"),
MODERATE(2, "Moderate"),
MARKED(3, "Marked");

/* insert enum constructor etc... */

and then create the appropriate accessor and mutator in the entity?

What do other people do in these situations?

Many thanks,


Dr. Mark Wardle
Specialist registrar, Neurology
Cardiff, UK
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