No, no I am not.  That was it.  Thanks Chuck!!!!


On Dec 12, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

> Are you setting the display group up with a data source like this?
>            dataSource = new EODatabaseDataSource(editingContext(), 
> entityName());
> ((EODatabaseDataSource)dataSource).fetchSpecification().setRefreshesRefetchedObjects(refreshesRefetchedObjects());
> On 2011-12-12, at 1:56 PM, Michael Gargano wrote:
>> After more testing and playing today.  It seems that the refresh of the 
>> ERXBatchingDisplayGroup is sporadic at best.  I tried using just the fetch() 
>> and the status field never updated, setting the qualifier to the current 
>> qualifier seems to work more often then not, but it still does not work 
>> consistently.  However, forcing a page refresh in one browser still seems to 
>> consistently update the other browser.  At the end of the day, I just don't 
>> want the display group to cache any of the records on this page.
>> Thanks.
>> -Mike
>> On Dec 12, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
>>> On 2011-12-09, at 3:54 PM, Michael Gargano wrote:
>>>>>> If I reload the page on one machine, it updates the status and then 
>>>>>> subsequently the other machine refreshes with the correct status, but I 
>>>>>> need to poke it.  I don't understand why it works fine on the individual 
>>>>>> machines when I'm logged in only once and acts like this when I have two 
>>>>>> browsers refreshing the same data.  The page generates a new EC.  I'm 
>>>>>> guessing it's some kind of weird locking issue, but I can't figure out 
>>>>>> what's locking.  I'm using optimistic locking and on top of that, these 
>>>>>> are only reads.
>>>>> One EOF stack or multiple?  Try turning on SQL logging to see what is 
>>>>> going on with the database.
>>>> One EOF stack to the database where this is occurring, multiple in the app 
>>>> itself, and in production (not the case here) load balanced app servers.
>>>> From what I can see in the SQL logs... when it works the way I expect it 
>>>> to, I see the fetch for the full object.  When the refresh is just hanging 
>>>> out, I see two queries.  
>>> I suspect these are coming from different places in the code.  You should 
>>> be able to modify ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate to lock a trace of where the 
>>> fetches come from.
>>>> One that gets the count using the user qualifier and then a select on the 
>>>> id's for the batch that I'm currently on.
>>> That is the ERXBatchingDisplayGroup refreshing.  Can you change the 
>>> underlying fetch spec to refresh refetched objects?
>>>> I don't see the fetch for the full object in these cases.  That's what's 
>>>> so confusing.  I can't figure out what would be different.  The editing 
>>>> context is getting created at the page level (and cached in an ivar), does 
>>>> that get cached per page or per thread?  If it's per page could it be 
>>>> because they are actually using the same editing context?
>>> It is per page *instance* and they should not be using the same EC.
>>> Chuck
>>> -- 
>>> Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development
>>> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
>>> knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    
> -- 
> Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development
> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
> knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    

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