Dennis -

In your apache config file you should be including a line similar to:

Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf

In that file that is referenced is where the apache adaptor gets configured: 
that's where you tell apache where to find the wotaskd's its talking to.

Take a look at the WebObjectsConfig line in there, to see what it's trying to 
talk to. It should be something like:

WebObjectsConfig http://<hostname>:1085  10

(I have localhost in there, and it seems to work - I'd try the FQDN in your 


On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Gaastra Dennis - WO Lists wrote:

Hi Simon et al,

Thanks for your insightful response. Please see my comments inside:

On 28/Feb/12 5:09 PM, Simon J Oliver (sjoliver) wrote:
Dennis -

In my experience FQDN is definitely the way to go - make sure your apps, 
monitor, and wotaskd all have the exact same thing.
- In File "Properties", we added a line: WOHost =<>
- In its log, womonitor.log, we read back
- also in the log, we see WOAdaptorURL=http://localhost/cgi-bin/WebObjects; is 
this wrong?

- Resources, we added a line: WOHost =<>
- In its log, womonitor.log, we read back
- also in the log, we see WOAdaptorURL=http://localhost/cgi-bin/WebObjects; is 
this wrong?

the appz:
- we see that WOHost is added, when doing a ps -ax | grep java:
298 ??         0:02.34 /usr/bin/java -XX:NewSize=2m -Xmx64m -Xms32m 
-DWORootDirectory=/System -DWOLocalRootDirectory= 
-DWOUserDirectory=/Library/WebObjects/Deployment/wotaskd.woa -DWOEnvClassPath= 
-DWOApplicationClass=com.webappz.bizdav.Application -DWOPlatform=MacOS -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -classpath WOBootstrap.jar 
com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap -WOHost<> -WOPort 2003 -WOCachingEnabled YES 
-WODebuggingEnabled NO -WOOutputPath 
/Library/WebObjects/Logs/bizDAV_VDS/bizDAV_VDS-1 -WOAutoOpenInBrowser NO 
-WOAutoOpenClientApplication NO -WOLifebeatInterval 30 -WOLifebeatEnabled YES 
-WOLifebeatDestinationPort 1085 -WOAdaptor WODefaultAdaptor 
-WOWorkerThreadCount 8 -WOListenQueueSize 128 -WOWorkerThreadCountMin 16 
-WOWorkerThreadCountMax 256 -NSProjectSearchPath () -WOSessionTimeOut 3600 
-WOStatisticsPassword stats -WOApplicationName bizDAV_VDS -WOMonitorEnabled YES 
-WONoPause YES -bizDAV.variant VDS -WOFrameworksBaseURL 

Run nslookup or similar at the command line to make sure the name resolves to 
the IP address of the NIC on the box, and the IP address resolves back to the 
name that you're using as the WOHost parameter.
bash-3.2# changeip -checkhostname

Primary address     =

Current HostName    =<>
DNS HostName        =<>

The names match. There is nothing to change.
dirserv:success = "success"

A handful of additional thoughts:

1)  have you made sure that your adaptor config correctly has the correct 
hostnames and ports for the wotaskd(s) it needs to know about? What does the 
adaptor config page tell you about what apache thinks the world looks like? 
(Apologies if you already covered that... I just caught the last couple of 
I am not quite sure about this; where these can be set?

Doing http://vds4:1085/cgi-bin/WebObjects/wotaskd.woa/wa/woconfig shows:

      <adaptor><application name="bizDAV_VDS" scheduler="ROUNDROBIN" 
urlVersion="4"><instance id="1" port="2003" 
host="<>" sendTimeout="300" 
recvTimeout="300" cnctTimeout="300"/><instance id="2" port="2004" 
host="<>" sendTimeout="300" 
recvTimeout="300" cnctTimeout="300"/></application></adaptor>

2) have you checked your launchd boot scripts for wotaskd and monitor (if 
that's how you are launching them) to make sure that you don't have alternative 
WOHost entries in there as command line arguments? (if they aren't there 
already, maybe try adding them there, to make sure that the values you want are 
getting picked up).
Please see above, we set them in the "Properties".

3) I had an issue today (and I noticed someone else post something similar 
recently in connection with SSD boot drives) that wotaskd and womonitor were 
binding to the loopback address (only) not the ones I was asking them to - 
apparently because the nics weren't properly initialized at the time the apps 
were starting up at boot time.
Yes, that was us too; we only use SSDs for deployment. Restarting wotaskd and 
JavaMonitor still comes up with the famous "The requested application was not 
found on this server."

For me, killing the two java processes manually and allowing launchd to restart 
them fixed the problem.
Exactly but still; "The requested application was not found on this server."

They came back up on the correct interfaces, and the IP's matched what they 
were expecting, and all was good.  Have you tried manually killing/restarting 
the processes after the machine has booted up?
Yes; yes

4) FWIW, I generally specify the WOHost for my apps as an additional command 
line argument in the app config in WOMonitor, rather than in the properties 
file. You may want to try that.
Tried that, it just showed up twice per instance that way, in the ps -ax | grep 
java; and did not help. Apparently, monitor added it already

I know from experience how frustrating the dance is to get things to work 
right, but it's generally always worked out for me, and I am deploying apps on 
Lion Server just fine, with the Wonder versions of monitor and wotaskd.
We also got the newest:

_appserver  _appserveradm  337112 20 Feb 17:44

So why does this still not work; maybe I am missing something else?

Thanks for any further help




On Feb 28, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Gaastra Dennis - WO Lists wrote:

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your email.

Yes DNS works correctly with 'changeip -checkhostname'; put full host names in 
wotask and JavaMonitor Properties files; and still nothing works. This is the 
most frustrating part of WO on Lion Server, however, this has always just 
worked for us in the past.




Simon J. Oliver
MA (Cantab.)

Information, Architecture & Data Security Consultant
Applied Information Technology Center/SBBER
University of Memphis, TN

Phone: 901 313 4485
Skype: SJO0923
AIM/Yahoo: simonjoliver

With Kind Regards,

Dennis Gaastra,
WEBAPPZ®  Systems, Inc.
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Simon J. Oliver
MA (Cantab.)

Information, Architecture & Data Security Consultant
Applied Information Technology Center/SBBER
University of Memphis, TN

Phone: 901 313 4485
Skype: SJO0923
AIM/Yahoo: simonjoliver

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