I had this one. it appears you didn’t change to the 4.4 so you were still on 
the 3.7 branch
it’s these two lines”

git fetch origin pull/109/head:eclipse_4_4
git checkout eclipse_4_4

I got these from the post from Dennis Bliefernicht:

from the post:

As a side-note: the repository/branch mentioned in the first post doesn’t seem 
to contain the latest changes concerning velocity, wizards and templates. I 
needed to fetch the actual pull request repository state to get the latest 

git clone https://github.com/wocommunity/wolips.git wolips-4_4
cd wolips-4_4
git fetch origin pull/109/head:eclipse_4_4
git checkout eclipse_4_4

see if this helps

On Aug 28, 2014, at 10:04 PM, Ruggentaler, JR <jr.ruggenta...@experian.com> 

> I Tried building wolips 4.4 following Theodore Petrosky's steps, but I 
> encountered the following errors. Is there a build somewhere I can try?
> OS X version 10.9.4
> java -version
> java version "1.7.0_65"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_65-b17)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)
> ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
> Buildfile: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/build.xml
> definestableupdatesite:
> print.environment:
> [echo]
> [echo] ****************************************
> [echo] * java.home = 
> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_65.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
> [echo] * build.compiler = javac1.5
> [echo] * ant.home = /Users/a07278a/bin/ant
> [echo] * user.home = /Users/a07278a
> [echo] * build.version = 4.4.0
> [echo] * build.version.to.replace = 1.0.6
> [echo] * build.output.dir = temp
> [echo] * build.output.java.dir = temp/classes
> [echo] * build.output.java.test.dir = temp/testclasses
> [echo] * build.output.build.dir = temp/build
> [echo] * build.output.dist.dir = temp/dist
> [echo] * build.output.dist.targz.dir = temp/targz
> [echo] * deploy.dir = ${deploy.dir} (set by the buildserver)
> [echo] * eclipse.home = /Applications/eclipseLUNA44
> [echo] * eclipse.deps.home = ${eclipse.deps.home}/features
> [echo] * no.clean = ${no.clean}
> [echo] * no.docs = ${no.docs}
> [echo] * compile options
> [echo] * compile.deprecation= on
> [echo] * compile.debug= on
> [echo] * compile.optimize= off
> [echo] * compile.source= 1.5
> [echo] * compile.target= 1.5
> [echo] * feature.updateSiteName= WOLips stable
> [echo] * feature.updateSite= http://webobjects.mdimension.com/wolips/stable/
> [echo] ****************************************
> [echo]
> verify.clean:
> set.clean:
> [echo] To skip the clean set the property no.clean in your build.properties
> call.clean:
> clean:
> .ds_store:
> .ds_store:
> check:
> check_file:
> set_other:
> correct_win:
> check_env:
> set_mac:
> check:
> prepare:
> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/classes
> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build
> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/dist
> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/doc
> woenvironment:
> java:
> java:
> [javac] 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/buildscripts/ant-style-project.xml:17: 
> warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to 
> build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
> [javac] Compiling 62 source files to 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/classes
> [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with 
> -source 1.5
> [javac] Note: 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woenvironment/src/java/org/objectstyle/woenvironment/plist/WOLPropertyListSerialization.java
>  uses or overrides a deprecated API.
> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> [javac] 1 warning
> all:
> woproject:
> copy.resources:
> [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build/woproject_4.4.0
> [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build/woproject_4.4.0/examples
> [copy] Copying 56 files to 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build/woproject_4.4.0/examples
> [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build/woproject_4.4.0/doc
> java:
> java:
> [javac] 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/buildscripts/ant-style-project.xml:17: 
> warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to 
> build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
> [javac] Compiling 29 source files to 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/classes
> [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with 
> -source 1.5
> [javac] 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/WOApplication.java:556:
>  error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
> [javac] woEnvironment = new WOEnvironment(this.getProject().getProperties());
> [javac] ^
> [javac] 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/WOCompile.java:89:
>  error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
> [javac] setClasspath(FrameworkSet.jarsPathForFrameworkSets(getProject(), 
> frameworkSets, new 
> WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties()).getWOVariables()));
> [javac] ^
> [javac] 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/WOLipsPropertiesTask.java:14:
>  error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
> [javac] WOEnvironment environment = new 
> WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties());
> [javac] ^
> [javac] 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/WOPath.java:110:
>  error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
> [javac] add(FrameworkSet.jarsPathForFrameworkSets(getProject(), 
> _frameworkSets, new 
> WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties()).getWOVariables()));
> [javac] ^
> [javac] 
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/src/java/org/objectstyle/woproject/ant/WOUnit.java:23:
>  error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
> WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
> [javac] 
> getCommandline().createClasspath(getProject()).createPath().add(FrameworkSet.jarsPathForFrameworkSets(getProject(),
>  frameworkSets, new 
> WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties()).getWOVariables()));
> [javac] ^
> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> [javac] 5 errors
> [javac] 1 warning
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/build.xml:98: The following error 
> occurred while executing this line:
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/build.xml:50: The 
> following error occurred while executing this line:
> /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/buildscripts/ant-style-project.xml:17: 
> Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
> Total time: 3 seconds
> From: Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com>
> Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 at 9:53 AM
> To: WebObjects-Dev <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>
> Subject: Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips
> I can’t believe I got it to work. My full steps:
> Install eclipse 4.4 ( I put it in   /Developer/Applications/eclipse44   )
> add  eclipse.home=/Developer/Applications/eclipse44
> to my   ~/Library/wobuild.properties
> cd ~/Repository
> git clone https://github.com/wocommunity/wolips.git wolips-4_4
> cd wolips-4_4
> git fetch origin pull/109/head:eclipse_4_4
> git checkout eclipse_4_4
> ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
> I watched the compilation go by and had multiple errors. Some pointed to 
> missing JRebel. So I added an update site to my installation of Eclipse 4.4 
> to point to JRebel and installed it. Other errors pointed to missing 
> JProfiler. so I installed that. one of the last instructions was to point the 
> JProfiler at my Eclipse installation.
> I tried again:
> ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
> voilà I got a Build Successful
> I ran eclipse 4.4 and followed the instructions on the wiki:  
> http://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/WOL/Building+WOLips
> I am successfully running Eclipse 4.4 with the improved WOLips and so far 
> have not exploded.
> I don’t understand why I had to install JRebel and JProfiler for the build to 
> succeed.
> On Aug 1, 2014, at 7:41 AM, Konrad Kubacki <kkuba...@power.com.pl> wrote:
>> Sure, hadn't noticed it's a link to wocomunity repository branch.
>> For a working and stable version, You should use the Wolfy42 repo 
>> (https://github.com/Wolfy42/wolips).
>> W dniu 01/08/14 10:11, Dennis Bliefernicht pisze:
>>> Hello,
>>> On 01.08.2014, at 07:22, Konrad Kubacki <kkuba...@power.com.pl> wrote:
>>>> Currently, it's DIY (or better: build it yourself, from repository 
>>>> mentioned in first mail).
>>> As a side-note: the repository/branch mentioned in the first post doesn’t 
>>> seem to contain the latest changes concerning velocity, wizards and 
>>> templates. I needed to fetch the actual pull request repository state to 
>>> get the latest changes:
>>> git clone https://github.com/wocommunity/wolips.git wolips-4_4
>>> cd wolips-4_4
>>> git fetch origin pull/109/head:eclipse_4_4
>>> git checkout eclipse_4_4
>>> I’ve been running that build (without the now-existing velocity patch, 
>>> because I have no m2e installed currently) for several days now and have 
>>> not yet encountered a single WOLips-related issue in Luna (Eclipse 4.4, 
>>> even with Gradle-based projects); although I should mention I don’t work 
>>> with components very often. Thus far I’d say that this is a really great 
>>> effort and a good step forward for WOLips.
>>> Greetings
>>> Dennis Bliefernicht
>>>  _______________________________________________
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>> -- 
>> Konrad Kubacki
>> Starszy Programista - Lider Zespołu Programistów ifirma.pl
>> Power Media S.A.
>> ul. Grabiszyńska 241 B
>> 53-234 Wrocław
>> tel.: +48 71 769 43 00.
>> faks: +48 71 321 00 16
>> http://www.power.com.pl
>> Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia-Fabrycznej
>> VI Wydział Gospodarczy - Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
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>> Kapitał 640 000 zł w pełni opłacony
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