
After downloading a current version of eclipse ("Eclipse IDE for Eclipse 
Committers 4.4.1") you don't need to install m2e, as it is already included per 

After building wolips with your instructions, I've tested it with "Eclipse IDE 
for Java EE Developers". (I've installed the build of wolips over a local 

After installation I've tested following features and they are all working for 
* modify the eomodol of an existing project
 ** add new entity
 ** add new attrbute
 ** change attribute
 ** link entities
* eogenerate with the changes of the model
* modify a wocomponent (to check if validation is working)
* Switching files with the WOLips "Related"-Part (to switch between Java-Files 
and WOComponent-Files)
* add a new wocomponent with the wizard
* refactor -> rename-wocomponent
* wizards
 ** create wonder-application
 ** create wonder-framework

It would be nice to have a list of all features of wolips to test if everything 
is working fine after some changes on the wolips-project. My list should be a 
start for the complete list of features. Maybe the complete list of features 
could be included in the Readme of the wolips-project. 
(This list were my tests after the migration of wolips to eclipse 4.4.)

Greetz, Wolfy

Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 11:40:08 +0200
From: stefan.kl...@buero-sde.de
To: webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com
Subject: Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips



          under https://github.com/swklein/wolips you can find a fork of

          This fork is prepared for developing wolips in Eclipse 4.4.

          In the README.md is a short description how to install and
          debug the wolips project.


          Please let me know if this is useful for you and if I should
          create a pull request to wolips master.




      Am 23.09.14 um 23:29 schrieb Flavio Donadio:

      Hello, all!

I managed to successfully build WOLips.

Since this information has not been published anywhere, I'll post it here for 
you guys to comment.

These instructions assume you're starting from scratch (new and clean 
development machine, not upgrading an existing installation):

1. Download and install Eclipse 4.4 (in my case, I copied the "eclipse" folder 
into /Applications);

2. Start Eclipse and add m2e, as below:

        a. In the "Help" menu, select "Install New Software...";

        b. Click the "Add" button, fill the "Add Repository" as below and click 

                Name: M2Eclipse
                Location: http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases/

        d. Click the checkbox to the left of "Maven Integration for Eclipse", 
click the "Next >" button and follow the instructions.

3. Download and install latest Apache Ant (version 1.9.4, as of today) from the 
official website and follow the installation instructions. In my case, I 
installed in /usr/local/apache-ant, but you may want to use a different path or 
install through homebrew, fink, pkgsrc or whatever... Just DON'T FORGET to set 
the $PATH environment variable accordingly;

4. Clone the git repository:

        cd ~
        git clone git://github.com/wolips/wolips.git woproject

5. Edit ~/woproject/wolips/build.xml and comment out the JProfiler and JRebel 
targets. In total, you'll be commenting 4 lines;

6. Try to build, but it will fail (won't find Eclipse);

        cd ~/woproject
        ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0

7. Edit ~/Library/wobuild.properties and add the line below:


8. Try to build again, and you'll be all right:

        ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0

9. Add WOLips to Eclipse:

        a. In the "Help" menu, select "Install New Software...";

        b. Click the "Add" button;

        c. Click the "Local..." button;

        d. Navigate to ~/woproject/temp/dist and click the "Open" button;

        e. Click OK and you will be back at the "Install" window;

        f. Check both "WOLips" and "WOLips (Optional)", click the "Next >" 
button and follow the instructions;

10. Follow all the instructions starting from "2. Install the WebObjects 
Framework", on the link below:


11. Profit (or just be a hobbyist, like me).

Please, let me know if these instructions are bad! They are working OK for me, 
at least for now.


On 23/09/2014, at 11:27, Flavio Donadio <fla...@donadio.com.br> wrote:

        Hello, JR!

I didn't have the time to look into this until today.

I'm having a hard time trying to build WOLips myself.

Could you, please, detail the steps you followed to build it correctly?


On 05/09/2014, at 14:20, Ruggentaler, JR <jr.ruggenta...@experian.com> wrote:

          I installed the latest version of Ant and was able to build the 
WOLips plugin.
Were there any new features added to the plugin?

Thanks for all the help and suggestions!

From: <Ruggentaler>, JR Ruggentaler <jr.ruggenta...@experian.com>
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 10:23 AM
To: Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com>
Cc: Farrukh Ijaz <farrukh.i...@fuegodigitalmedia.com>, Pascal Robert 
<prob...@macti.ca>, WebObjects-Dev <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>
Subject: Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips

git branch
* master

From: Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 6:49 PM
To: JR Ruggentaler <jr.ruggenta...@experian.com>
Cc: Farrukh Ijaz <farrukh.i...@fuegodigitalmedia.com>, Pascal Robert 
<prob...@macti.ca>, WebObjects-Dev <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>
Subject: Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips

what do you get when you:

cd ~/Repository/wolips-4_4
git branch

On Sep 2, 2014, at 4:14 PM, Ruggentaler, JR <jr.ruggenta...@experian.com> wrote:

            I followed the steps below but getting the same errors.

Notes on Building for Eclipse 4.4

1. Install Eclipse 4.4 (add JRebel and JProfiler)
2. Update the ~/Library/wobuild.properties file and add: 
eclipse.home=/Path/To/The/Folder/Where/Eclipse44 lives
3. cd ~/Repository
4. git clone https://github.com/wocommunity/wolips.git wolips-4_4
5. cd wolips-4_4
  Edited wolips/build.xml commented out JRebel and Jprofiler targets.
6. ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0

ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
Buildfile: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/build.xml


    [echo]         ****************************************
    [echo]         * java.home = 
    [echo]         * build.compiler = javac1.5
    [echo]         * ant.home = /Users/a07278a/bin/ant
    [echo]         * user.home = /Users/a07278a
    [echo]         * build.version = 4.4.0
    [echo]         * build.version.to.replace = 1.0.6
    [echo]         * build.output.dir = temp
    [echo]         * build.output.java.dir = temp/classes
    [echo]         * build.output.java.test.dir = temp/testclasses
    [echo]         * build.output.build.dir = temp/build
    [echo]         * build.output.dist.dir = temp/dist
    [echo]         * build.output.dist.targz.dir = temp/targz
    [echo]         * deploy.dir = ${deploy.dir} (set by the buildserver)
    [echo]         * eclipse.home = /Applications/eclipseLUNA44
    [echo]         * eclipse.deps.home = ${eclipse.deps.home}/features
    [echo]         * no.clean = ${no.clean}
    [echo]         * no.docs = ${no.docs}
    [echo]         * compile options
    [echo]         * compile.deprecation= on
    [echo]         * compile.debug= on
    [echo]         * compile.optimize= off
    [echo]         * compile.source= 1.5
    [echo]         * compile.target= 1.5
    [echo]         * feature.updateSiteName= WOLips stable
    [echo]         * feature.updateSite= 
    [echo]         ****************************************


    [echo] To skip the clean set the property no.clean in your build.properties


  [delete] Deleting directory /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp










   [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/classes
   [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/build
   [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/dist
   [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/temp/doc



warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to 
build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
   [javac] Compiling 62 source files to 
   [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with 
-source 1.5
   [javac] Note: 
 uses or overrides a deprecated API.
   [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
   [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
   [javac] 1 warning



   [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [mkdir] Created dir: 
    [copy] Copying 56 files to 
   [mkdir] Created dir: 


warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to 
build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
   [javac] Compiling 29 source files to 
   [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with 
-source 1.5
 error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
   [javac]     woEnvironment = new 
   [javac]                     ^
 error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
   [javac]     setClasspath(FrameworkSet.jarsPathForFrameworkSets(getProject(), 
frameworkSets, new 
 error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
WOEnvironment environment = new WOEnvironment(getProject().getProperties());
 error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
   [javac]       add(FrameworkSet.jarsPathForFrameworkSets(getProject(), 
_frameworkSets, new 
 error: reference to WOEnvironment is ambiguous, both constructor 
WOEnvironment(Map<Object,Object>) in WOEnvironment and constructor 
WOEnvironment(Hashtable<String,Object>) in WOEnvironment match
 frameworkSets, new 
   [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
   [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
   [javac] 5 errors
   [javac] 1 warning

/Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/build.xml:98: The following error occurred 
while executing this line:
/Users/a07278a/Repository/wolips-4_4/woproject-ant-tasks/build.xml:50: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 3 seconds

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