I attached the binary to my last email. Please let me know how testing goes. :)

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Michael Kondratov <mich...@aspireauctions.com> wrote:
Could anyone post a binary? I have server we could use to test it.


On Nov 1, 2014, at 4:56 PM, Ken Anderson <kenli...@anderhome.com> wrote:

Has anyone tested this successfully yet?

On Oct 30, 2014, at 7:18 PM, Benjamin Chew <bc...@smarthealth.com> wrote:

Patrick, thanks for the write-up. I rearranged John's instructions to this:

Install XCode (6.1)

cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains
sudo ln -s XcodeDefault.xctoolchain OSX10.10.xctoolchain

cd /tmp

vi /tmp/Adaptors/Apache2.4/Makefile
and remove the arg -macosx_version_min 10.5

cd /tmp/Adaptors
gnumake (some bits fail, but carry on)
gnumake Apache2.4


When I did the "gnumake", I got some errors at the end, but I expected that because Patrick said FastCGI wouldn't build. But when I did the "gnumake Apache2.4", I got this (unexpected):

/usr/sbin/apxs -c -S CC=gcc -Wc,"-I/usr/include/apache2  -I../Adaptor  -DSINGLE_THREADED_ADAPTOR -DMACOS -DFORKING_WEBSERVER -DAPACHE  -Wall  -arch x86_64  -arch i386" -Wl,"  -arch x86_64  -arch i386 -lm -module" mod_WebObjects.c ../Adaptor/MoreURLCUtilities.c ../Adaptor/Platform.c ../Adaptor/WOURLCUtilities.c ../Adaptor/WOURLCUtilities_3.c ../Adaptor/appcfg.c ../Adaptor/cfgparse.c ../Adaptor/config.c ../Adaptor/hostlookup.c ../Adaptor/list.c ../Adaptor/listing.c ../Adaptor/loadaverage.c ../Adaptor/loadbalancing.c ../Adaptor/log.c ../Adaptor/nbsocket.c ../Adaptor/random.c ../Adaptor/request.c ../Adaptor/response.c ../Adaptor/roundrobin.c ../Adaptor/shmem.c ../Adaptor/strdict.c ../Adaptor/strtbl.c ../Adaptor/transaction.c ../Adaptor/transport.c ../Adaptor/wastring.c ../Adaptor/womalloc.c ../Adaptor/xmlcparser.c ../Adaptor/xmlctokenizer.c ../Adaptor/xmlparse.c
/usr/share/apr-1/build-1/libtool --silent --mode=compile gcc    -DDARWIN -DSIGPROCMASK_SETS_THREAD_MASK -DDARWIN_10  -I/usr/include/apache2  -I/usr/include/apr-1   -I/usr/include/apr-1  -O2 -I/usr/include/apache2  -I../Adaptor  -DSINGLE_THREADED_ADAPTOR -DMACOS -DFORKING_WEBSERVER -DAPACHE  -Wall  -arch x86_64  -arch i386  -c -o mod_WebObjects.lo mod_WebObjects.c && touch mod_WebObjects.slo
mod_WebObjects.c:63:10: fatal error: 'httpd.h' file not found
#include <httpd.h>
1 error generated.
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
gnumake: *** [mod_WebObjects.so] Error 1


Does anyone know how to resolve this?


On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Gino Pacitti <ginok...@mac.com> wrote:
> On 28 Oct 2014, at 17:50, John Pollard <j...@pollardweb.com> wrote:
> Patrick's instructions on how to build worked for me, compressed for dummies (like me) as this:
> Install XCode (6.1)
> cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains
> sudo ln -s XcodeDefault.xctoolchain OSX10.10.xctoolchain
> vi /tmp/Adaptors/Apache2.4/Makefile
> and remove the arg -macosx_version_min 10.5
> cd /tmp
> svn co https://github.com/wocommunity/wonder.git/Utilities/Adaptors
> cd /tmp/Adaptors
> gnumake (some bits fail, but carry on)
> gnumake Apache2.4
> This creates:
> mod_WebObjects.so
> in /tmp/Adaptors/Apache2.4
> I haven't tried using it yet, out of time today. If anyone has advice on changes needed to httpd.conf for using Apache2.4 with WO, that would be of interest. I will report back once I have tried it.
> John
>> On 28 Oct 2014, at 15:35, Gino Pacitti <ginok...@mac.com> wrote:
>> so you have a compiled WOAdaptor?
>> I originally had difficulty with that and so just went the simpler route and down versioned Apache to 2.2
>>> On 28 Oct 2014, at 15:31, Patrick Middleton <patr...@onestep.co.uk> wrote:
>>> I am puzzled by this entire thread.
>>> The other day, at home, at my Mac running Yosemite with the newest shiniest Xcode tools installed,
>>> I did something like this...
>>> cd /tmp/
>>> svn co https://github.com/wocommunity/wonder.git/trunk/Utilities/Adaptors
>>> cd /tmp/Adaptors
>>> gnumake
>>> gnumake Apache2.4
>>> and that built me the module; copying stuff by hand was not onerous.
>>> There were some gotchas.  On OSX, the project is set up to build the WO adaptor internals (this works), the CGI adaptor (this works), the FastCGI adaptor (does not work, missing headers) and the Apache2.2 adaptor (never got there because of FastCGI; didn't care).  The project will build the Apache 2.4 adaptor, provided the WO adaptor internals have been built.
>>> /usr/sbin/apxs will not work as-is: it tries to use a compiler toolchain that doesn't exist, referring to IIRC /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/OSX10.10.xctoolchain/usr/bin/cc .  apxs is your friend; it's there to let you build Apache modules with the same compiler and flags (especially optimisation flags) as was used to build Apache.
>>> So we do something like (from memory)
>>> cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/OSX10.10.xctoolchain/
>>> sudo ln -s XcodeDefault.xctoolchain OSX10.10.xctoolchain
>>> and if I have that right, we can now use Xcode tools via the same filenames as were used by whoever at Apple built Apache 2.4 for Yosemite.  Have a read of the /usr/sbin/apxs script.  Even if (like me) you don't code in perl, you should find yourself looking at /usr/share/httpd/build/config_vars.mk next, which will have the reference to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/OSX10.10.xctoolchain/usr/bin/cc , and you will also see no optimisation flags listed in CFLAGS -- personally, here I would remove -O2 from CFLAGS in all the Makefiles that build any code loaded by Apache.
>>> In an ideal world, those of us interested in Apache only would rework this project to avoid invoking the compiler or linker directly, we'd have apxs do it for us, noting we can still get at some settings as 'apxs -q CFLAGS', 'apxs -q CC' etc.
>>> You will also likely need to remove any '-macosx_version_min 10.5' compiler/linker arguments because the recent OSX C compilers don't appear to support that any more.
>>> -- Patrick
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