I did as you suggested (remove js) and that works, however, putting back the 
jQuery still doesn’t.  The setter for that field doesn’t get called from some 

> On May 18, 2017, at 11:20 AM, Klaus Berkling <webobje...@berkling.us> wrote:
> If the  field content isn't saved I'd go back to basics, removing any 
> JavaScript events and manipulation from the HTML, and fix that first. 
> Manually enter a date that you server side date formatter understands. After 
> all, the date picker is just client side fanciness. 
> The validateDate function is JavaScript I use but didn't add to the email. 
> You can just remove that line in the bindings. I should too since the date 
> picker shouldn't require validation. 
> Sent from my phone. 
> On May 18, 2017, at 06:36, Calven Eggert <cal...@mac.com 
> <mailto:cal...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> Klaus,
>> Thanks for your code.  The calendar works great however, I can’t get the new 
>> value of the date saved.  I’m guessing it has to do with the validateDate() 
>> function (Which I currently don’t use). For the variable value of my 
>> WOTextField I use the following:
>> value = patientActivityFieldValueAsDate
>> And in my java:
>>      public NSTimestamp patientActivityFieldValueAsDate() {
>>              return (NSTimestamp) currentField.valueForKey("fieldDateValue");
>>      }
>>      public void setPatientActivityFieldValueAsDate(NSTimestamp newValue) {
>>              currentField.takeValueForKey(newValue, "fieldDateValue");
>>      }
>> The setter is not being called after the update to the field.  What needs to 
>> be changed in order for this to get called? Can this get called from the 
>> validateDate js function?
>> Calven
>>> On May 17, 2017, at 6:41 AM, Calven Eggert <cal...@mac.com 
>>> <mailto:cal...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>> It looks like I’m going to abandon the AjaxDatePicker because I can’t get 
>>> it to work with the date format my users want for this calendar.
>>> Anyone have experience using WO with JQuery?  Any hints on how to get that 
>>> setup would be appreciated.
>> I’m walking out the door but:
>> In the WOD:
>> StartDate : WOTextField {
>>      value = event.startDate;
>>      formatter = localDateFormatter;
>>      placeholder = "mm/dd/yyyy";
>>      class = "eventdatepicker";
>>      onblur = "validateDate(this);";
>>      onchange = "$('#Update').click();";
>>      otherTagString = "readonly='true'";
>> }
>> And in a js file:
>> $(document).ready(function() {
>>      console.log("Document ready.")
>>      $(".eventdatepicker").datepicker({
>>              dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",
>>              changeMonth: true,
>>              changeYear: true,
>>              yearRange: '-0y:+5y',
>>              defaultDate: '0'
>>      });
>> });
>> Hope this helps.
>> Klaus Berkling
>> www.berkling.us <http://www.berkling.us/> <http://berkling.us/ 
>> <http://berkling.us/>> | Photography <https://kib.smugmug.com/ 
>> <https://kib.smugmug.com/>>

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