
I guess I have solved the mystery :) Looks like all what's needed is

- to set up freely the OSCPool with any number of coordinators
- at the init time, to use "isolation=serializable/locking=pessimistic" in my 
- and switch off the SEC (by setting it to null in my ERXEC)
- when all the init work is done, I simply call


and that's that, it seems it works all right, for subsequently all 
(session-based) ECs seem to work properly with the (OSC-based) SEC, and the 
connexion indeed is read-committed/optimistic, as need be.

There's just one small thing I am not sure of: forceConnectionWithModel 
re-connects “all compatible models in the model group” too. Alas the 
documentation does not say what a “compatible” model is — what does that mean? 
How does the EOF determine which models are compatible?

Thanks and all the best,

> On 22 Aug 2018, at 2:06 PM, ocs@ocs <> wrote:
> Chuck,
> hmmm... coudn't I somehow switch off temporarily the OSCPool, so that the 
> initialisation code happens precisely as if there was no pool at all, and 
> only then, when done, the pool starts behaving as normally? Actually I could 
> benefit — if it is possible — from that, not only due to the SEC, but for 
> other reasons as well (it would help if I could run the initialisation code 
> against the DB in the “isolation=serializable/locking=pessimistic” mode, 
> switching to “isolation=read_committed/locking=optimistic” for the normal 
> processing).
> The init code just reads some objects from the db (including 
> INFORMATION_SCHEMA, which is the reason for the DB mode), checks them, 
> potentially updates them, and that's that — if at this moment the application 
> quits and immediately runs again without the init code, it would work just as 
> well. But for the objects in the shared EC, there's no EO which the init code 
> would create/fetch and a later session-based code would use anyhow.
> I might switch off the SEC for the initialisation completely: I would run the 
> init code using an EC with its SEC explicitly set to null, then somehow trash 
> the init EO stack completely and start afresh with a new one (or ones with 
> OSCPool) and normal session-based processing.
> Can this, i.e.,
> - to begin without OSCPool and connecting to DB in the 
> “isolation=serializable/locking=pessimistic” mode;
> - do some stuff (without SEC), save changes;
> - completely trash the EO stack;
> - create a new one with OSCPool connecting to DB in the 
> “isolation=read_committed/locking=optimistic” mode with SEC, and run happily 
> ever after
> be done in some cleaner way than, well, restarting the application — which 
> with some trickery exploiting Auto Recover in JavaMonitor might even prove 
> possible, but would be super-ugly and I would rather do without?
> Thanks,
> OC
>> On 22 Aug 2018, at 5:11 AM, Chuck Hill < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> That is a good question.  I’ve not used the combination.   There must be 
>> some code that uses the default instead of getting the SEC from the 
>> EOEditingContext.  There is a lot of code in Wonder (and some in WO) that 
>> assumes the defaultWhatever is the only one that will ever exist.  You would 
>> have to step into the code to see where this is happening, or enable the 
>> logging of stack traces of fetches.  It should be a simple fix once you find 
>> the spot.
>> Chuck
>> From: "ocs@ocs" < <>>
>> Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 1:02 PM
>> To: Chuck Hill < <>>
>> Cc: " <>" 
>> < <>>
>> Subject: Re: Should ERXEC get sharedEC automagically?
>> Indeed! If I switch off the OSCPool, it starts to work properly.
>> Thanks just again! 
>> Nevertheless, I still must be missing something of grave importance, for 
>> with OCSPool (I use ), I would presume the SEC for the pool being currently 
>> used by the ERXEC would load the shared objects?
>> It does not: the global one does automatically load the shared objects, but 
>> the SEC-based one of ERXEC remains empty.
>> Note: the code in question does not run in a session context; it is 
>> performed at launch, before the first session is created. Might that be 
>> important perhaps?
>> All the best,
>> OC
>> On 21 Aug 2018, at 9:42 PM, Chuck Hill < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Are you using the ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool?  It keeps one SEC per pool, 
>> not one shared globally.  
>> EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext() is the global one.
>> Chuck
>> From: "ocs@ocs" < <>>
>> Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 12:23 PM
>> To: Chuck Hill < <>>
>> Cc: " <>" 
>> < <>>
>> Subject: Re: Should ERXEC get sharedEC automagically?
>> P.S. It seems ERX completely ignores the default shared EC, using its own 
>> one. If I try e.g., this:
>> ===
>> println "The default sharedEC is 
>> ${EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext()}"
>> 6.times {
>>     def e=ERXEC.newEditingContext()
>>     println "EC $e gets sec $e.sharedEditingContext"
>> }
>> println "The default sharedEC still is 
>> ${EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext()}"
>> ===
>> it looks like this:
>> ===
>> The default sharedEC is 
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@26bbe604
>> 2005 [main] INFO er.extensions.eof.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool  - 
>> initializing Pool...
>> 2008 [main] INFO er.extensions.eof.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool  - 
>> initializing Pool finished
>> EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@40e32762 gets sec 
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@5875de6a
>> EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@7d78f3d5 gets sec 
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@5875de6a
>> EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@f5b6e78 gets sec 
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@5875de6a
>> EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@71926a36 gets sec 
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@5875de6a
>> EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@48976e6d gets sec 
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@5875de6a
>> EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@7f6874f2 gets sec 
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@5875de6a
>> The default sharedEC still is 
>> com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@26bbe604
>> ===
>> Thanks and all the best,
>> OC
>> On 21 Aug 2018, at 9:07 PM, ocs@ocs < <>> wrote:
>> Chuck, 
>> sorry, I did not describe the problem clearly enough...
>> On 21 Aug 2018, at 8:39 PM, Chuck Hill < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Once an EC has objects in it, its shared EC won’t get changed if a new 
>> default is set.  The notification is ignored.
>> Quite, but that's not the problem.
>> With EOEditingContext, it works like this:
>> (i) ec created, has no sharedEC (ec.sharedEditingContext==null)
>> (ii) (due to something which creates a DBContext, I believe) the default 
>> sharedEC is initialized; it loads the shared objects, and sends the 
>> notification
>> (iii) ec observes the notification, and sets the default sharedEC as its own 
>> sharedEC (for it is still empty)
>> (iv) now, ec fetches the objects — automatically giving shared ones from its 
>> sharedEC, which does contain them
>> With ERXEC (and ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext=true), there's an important 
>> difference:
>> (i) erxec created, immediately gets a sharedEC 
>> (ec.sharedEditingContext!=null). This sharedEC differs from the default 
>> shared EC
>> (ii) (due to something which creates a DBContext, I believe) the default 
>> sharedEC is initialized; it loads the shared objects, and sends the 
>> notification
>> (iii) erxec (although still empty) does nothing, it already has a sharedEC, 
>> different from the default one
>> (iv) now, erxec fetches the objects — would automatically give shared ones 
>> from its sharedEC, which, alas, contains nothing (the default one does).
>> Thanks and all the best,
>> OC
>> From: "ocs@ocs" < <>>
>> Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:21 AM
>> To: Chuck Hill < <>>
>> Cc: " <>" 
>> < <>>
>> Subject: Re: Should ERXEC get sharedEC automagically?
>> Chuck,
>> On 21 Aug 2018, at 7:50 PM, Chuck Hill < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> See er.extensions.ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext at 
>> <>
>> Thanks a lot!
>> (Why on earth don't they mention this on the ERXEC documentation page? Oh, 
>> never mind.)
>> Did that fix it?
>> Well, sort of.
>> It gets curiouser and curiouser — in other words, I must be doing something 
>> far wrong.
>> When I set the “ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext” property to true, then
>> - the newly created ERXEC gets a shared editing context immediately upon 
>> creation, not later upon receiving 
>> DefaultSharedEditingContextWasInitializedNotification;
>> - and it is a different shared EC instance, not 
>> EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext()
>> - but it is EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext() who reads 
>> in automatically all the shared EOs
>> - and therefore, when fetching EOs through the ERXEC, I am still getting 
>> non-shared ones in the ERXEC (for its own sharedEC is empty, and thus 
>> EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext is ignored).
>> Can you make any sense of that?
>> Thanks again a very big lot,
>> OC
>> On 2018-08-21, 9:43 AM, "Webobjects-dev on behalf of ocs@ocs" 
>> < 
>> <> on 
>> behalf of <>> wrote:
>>    Hi there,
>>    the EOEditing context doc pretty unequivocally says
>>    ===
>>    By default, an editing context that has no shared editing context listens 
>> for DefaultSharedEditingContextWasInitializedNotifications. If a 
>> notification is posted while the context has no registered objects, the 
>> editing context sets its shared editing context to the newly initialized 
>> default shared editing context.
>>    ===
>>    Should it apply for an ERXEC, too? I sort of inferred it would, but by my 
>> testing, it does not seem so: an ERXEC I make (through 
>> ERXEC.newEditingContext()) seems to adamantly stay without 
>> sharedEditingContext, although the notification is posted all right (I have 
>> observed it myself to be sure), and if there's a good ole EOEditingContext, 
>> it indeed duly sets its sharedEC at the time.
>>    Have I missed something of importance somewhere? The ERXEC documentation 
>> does not say essentially anything of the sharedEC, far as I can say:
>> <>
>>    In principle, I could work around the problem by setting the sharedEC to 
>> all my ERXECs programmatically -- that works all right --, but it would be a 
>> lot of work, with a danger I overlook something somewhere and got bit in the 
>> tender parts by that...
>>    Thanks,
>>    OC
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