EOF will reconnect if the connection to the database is lost (database 
restarted, network problems, etc.).  See the EOAdaptor.Delegate method


reconnectionDictionaryForAdaptor(EOAdaptor adaptor)
Creates a new connection dictionary for the adaptor. It is responsible for 
guaranteeing that the new connection dictionary is compatible with any 
EODatabase that is currently using the adaptor. Note that if reconnection 
succeeds, the EODatabase will continue to use its database snapshots as if 
nothing had happened so the new database server should have the same data as 
the original.

I am not sure that will be useful in your case.


From: "ocs@ocs" <o...@ocs.cz>
Date: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 4:54 AM
To: Chuck Hill <ch...@gevityinc.com>
Cc: "webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com" <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>
Subject: Re: OSCPool/EO stack management/relaunch (was: Should ERXEC get 
sharedEC automagically?)

Thanks a lot!

Incidentally, is there somewhere a clean set of rules when might EOF decide to 
re-connect using the model CD?

What I mean is

(a) I set up the CD to contain some settings (e.g., “isolation=read_committed” 
in URL)
(b) I force this to be used through forceConnectionWithModel, overriding the 
URL to “isolation=serializable”
(c) I perform the init work
(d) at end of which I reconnect, again using forceConnectionWithModel, this 
time without an override, so that “read_committed” applies.

Far as my testing goes, this works.

Nevertheless, may I be sure that during (c), EOF would never happen to 
reconnect by itself, using the CD from the model? Should I perhaps instead of 
the above, to keep at the safe side, do uglier, but perhaps more robust

(a) set up the CD to contain temporary settings (“isolation=serializable” in 
(b) either use forceConnectionWithModel without an override, or just let EOF to 
connect automatically;
(c) do the init work
(d) at end of which change the CD in all models to “isolation=read_committed”, 
and reconnect using forceConnectionWithModel without an override

? Thanks!

On 27 Aug 2018, at 5:48 AM, Chuck Hill 
<ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>> wrote:

Finally, an easy question!

Compatible just means that 


From: "ocs@ocs" <o...@ocs.cz<mailto:o...@ocs.cz>>
Date: Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 7:03 PM
To: Chuck Hill <ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>>
Cc: "webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com<mailto:webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>" 
Subject: Re: OSCPool/EO stack management/relaunch (was: Should ERXEC get 
sharedEC automagically?)


I guess I have solved the mystery :) Looks like all what's needed is

- to set up freely the OSCPool with any number of coordinators
- at the init time, to use "isolation=serializable/locking=pessimistic" in my 
- and switch off the SEC (by setting it to null in my ERXEC)
- when all the init work is done, I simply call


and that's that, it seems it works all right, for subsequently all 
(session-based) ECs seem to work properly with the (OSC-based) SEC, and the 
connexion indeed is read-committed/optimistic, as need be.

There's just one small thing I am not sure of: forceConnectionWithModel 
re-connects “all compatible models in the model group” too. Alas the 
documentation does not say what a “compatible” model is — what does that mean? 
How does the EOF determine which models are compatible?

Thanks and all the best,

On 22 Aug 2018, at 2:06 PM, ocs@ocs <o...@ocs.cz<mailto:o...@ocs.cz>> wrote:


hmmm... coudn't I somehow switch off temporarily the OSCPool, so that the 
initialisation code happens precisely as if there was no pool at all, and only 
then, when done, the pool starts behaving as normally? Actually I could benefit 
— if it is possible — from that, not only due to the SEC, but for other reasons 
as well (it would help if I could run the initialisation code against the DB in 
the “isolation=serializable/locking=pessimistic” mode, switching to 
“isolation=read_committed/locking=optimistic” for the normal processing).

The init code just reads some objects from the db (including 
INFORMATION_SCHEMA, which is the reason for the DB mode), checks them, 
potentially updates them, and that's that — if at this moment the application 
quits and immediately runs again without the init code, it would work just as 
well. But for the objects in the shared EC, there's no EO which the init code 
would create/fetch and a later session-based code would use anyhow.

I might switch off the SEC for the initialisation completely: I would run the 
init code using an EC with its SEC explicitly set to null, then somehow trash 
the init EO stack completely and start afresh with a new one (or ones with 
OSCPool) and normal session-based processing.

Can this, i.e.,

- to begin without OSCPool and connecting to DB in the 
“isolation=serializable/locking=pessimistic” mode;
- do some stuff (without SEC), save changes;
- completely trash the EO stack;
- create a new one with OSCPool connecting to DB in the 
“isolation=read_committed/locking=optimistic” mode with SEC, and run happily 
ever after

be done in some cleaner way than, well, restarting the application — which with 
some trickery exploiting Auto Recover in JavaMonitor might even prove possible, 
but would be super-ugly and I would rather do without?


On 22 Aug 2018, at 5:11 AM, Chuck Hill 
<ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>> wrote:

That is a good question.  I’ve not used the combination.   There must be some 
code that uses the default instead of getting the SEC from the 
EOEditingContext.  There is a lot of code in Wonder (and some in WO) that 
assumes the defaultWhatever is the only one that will ever exist.  You would 
have to step into the code to see where this is happening, or enable the 
logging of stack traces of fetches.  It should be a simple fix once you find 
the spot.


From: "ocs@ocs" <o...@ocs.cz<mailto:o...@ocs.cz>>
Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 1:02 PM
To: Chuck Hill <ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>>
Cc: "webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com<mailto:webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>" 
Subject: Re: Should ERXEC get sharedEC automagically?

Indeed! If I switch off the OSCPool, it starts to work properly.

Thanks just again!

Nevertheless, I still must be missing something of grave importance, for with 
OCSPool (I use ), I would presume the SEC for the pool being currently used by 
the ERXEC would load the shared objects?

It does not: the global one does automatically load the shared objects, but the 
SEC-based one of ERXEC remains empty.

Note: the code in question does not run in a session context; it is performed 
at launch, before the first session is created. Might that be important perhaps?

All the best,

On 21 Aug 2018, at 9:42 PM, Chuck Hill 
<ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>> wrote:

Are you using the ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool?  It keeps one SEC per pool, 
not one shared globally.  EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext() 
is the global one.


From: "ocs@ocs" <o...@ocs.cz<mailto:o...@ocs.cz>>
Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 12:23 PM
To: Chuck Hill <ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>>
Cc: "webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com<mailto:webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>" 
Subject: Re: Should ERXEC get sharedEC automagically?

P.S. It seems ERX completely ignores the default shared EC, using its own one. 
If I try e.g., this:

println "The default sharedEC is 
6.times {
    def e=ERXEC.newEditingContext()
    println "EC $e gets sec $e.sharedEditingContext"
println "The default sharedEC still is 

it looks like this:

The default sharedEC is com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext@26bbe604
2005 [main] INFO er.extensions.eof.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool  - 
initializing Pool...
2008 [main] INFO er.extensions.eof.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool  - 
initializing Pool finished
EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@40e32762 gets sec 
EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@7d78f3d5 gets sec 
EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@f5b6e78 gets sec 
EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@71926a36 gets sec 
EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@48976e6d gets sec 
EC er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@7f6874f2 gets sec 
The default sharedEC still is 

Thanks and all the best,

On 21 Aug 2018, at 9:07 PM, ocs@ocs <o...@ocs.cz<mailto:o...@ocs.cz>> wrote:


sorry, I did not describe the problem clearly enough...

On 21 Aug 2018, at 8:39 PM, Chuck Hill 
<ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>> wrote:
Once an EC has objects in it, its shared EC won’t get changed if a new default 
is set.  The notification is ignored.

Quite, but that's not the problem.

With EOEditingContext, it works like this:

(i) ec created, has no sharedEC (ec.sharedEditingContext==null)
(ii) (due to something which creates a DBContext, I believe) the default 
sharedEC is initialized; it loads the shared objects, and sends the notification
(iii) ec observes the notification, and sets the default sharedEC as its own 
sharedEC (for it is still empty)
(iv) now, ec fetches the objects — automatically giving shared ones from its 
sharedEC, which does contain them

With ERXEC (and ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext=true), there's an important 

(i) erxec created, immediately gets a sharedEC (ec.sharedEditingContext!=null). 
This sharedEC differs from the default shared EC
(ii) (due to something which creates a DBContext, I believe) the default 
sharedEC is initialized; it loads the shared objects, and sends the notification
(iii) erxec (although still empty) does nothing, it already has a sharedEC, 
different from the default one
(iv) now, erxec fetches the objects — would automatically give shared ones from 
its sharedEC, which, alas, contains nothing (the default one does).

Thanks and all the best,

From: "ocs@ocs" <o...@ocs.cz<mailto:o...@ocs.cz>>
Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 11:21 AM
To: Chuck Hill <ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>>
Cc: "webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com<mailto:webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>" 
Subject: Re: Should ERXEC get sharedEC automagically?


On 21 Aug 2018, at 7:50 PM, Chuck Hill 
<ch...@gevityinc.com<mailto:ch...@gevityinc.com>> wrote:

See er.extensions.ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext at

Thanks a lot!

(Why on earth don't they mention this on the ERXEC documentation page? Oh, 
never mind.)

Did that fix it?

Well, sort of.

It gets curiouser and curiouser — in other words, I must be doing something far 

When I set the “ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext” property to true, then

- the newly created ERXEC gets a shared editing context immediately upon 
creation, not later upon receiving 
- and it is a different shared EC instance, not 
- but it is EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext() who reads in 
automatically all the shared EOs
- and therefore, when fetching EOs through the ERXEC, I am still getting 
non-shared ones in the ERXEC (for its own sharedEC is empty, and thus 
EOSharedEditingContext.defaultSharedEditingContext is ignored).

Can you make any sense of that?

Thanks again a very big lot,

On 2018-08-21, 9:43 AM, "Webobjects-dev on behalf of ocs@ocs" 
 on behalf of o...@ocs.cz<mailto:o...@ocs.cz>> wrote:

   Hi there,

   the EOEditing context doc pretty unequivocally says

   By default, an editing context that has no shared editing context listens 
for DefaultSharedEditingContextWasInitializedNotifications. If a notification 
is posted while the context has no registered objects, the editing context sets 
its shared editing context to the newly initialized default shared editing 

   Should it apply for an ERXEC, too? I sort of inferred it would, but by my 
testing, it does not seem so: an ERXEC I make (through 
ERXEC.newEditingContext()) seems to adamantly stay without 
sharedEditingContext, although the notification is posted all right (I have 
observed it myself to be sure), and if there's a good ole EOEditingContext, it 
indeed duly sets its sharedEC at the time.

   Have I missed something of importance somewhere? The ERXEC documentation 
does not say essentially anything of the sharedEC, far as I can say:


   In principle, I could work around the problem by setting the sharedEC to all 
my ERXECs programmatically -- that works all right --, but it would be a lot of 
work, with a danger I overlook something somewhere and got bit in the tender 
parts by that...


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