I was able to work around the problem by adding the following in the
POST method:

 not_in_sync = 1
            while not_in_sync:
                    name = cookie.first_name
                    not_in_sync -= 1
                except AttributeError:

On Nov 29, 1:56 pm, Tom <tom.thorog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I apologize it has taken me so long to get back to this. I have had
> other more high priority projects the last few weeks.
> While I didn't know about raise web.seeother(), my code replicates the
> flow you described:
> def POST(self):
> i = web.input()
> if users.loginUsers(i.email, i.password, db):
>     cookie = web.cookies()
>     name = cookie.first_name
>     return render.index(1, name)
> loginUsers() sets the cookie and returns a true value if the user's
> login information is correct, therefore cookie.first_name will not
> even be called upon unless the cookie was successfully set. . When
> logging in, however, "<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> at /
> 'first_name'" is returned the first time. However, I simply reload the
> page, it displays correctly.
> For completeness, the loginUser function:
> def loginUser (username, password, db):
>    query = "database query goes here; not replicating in full..."
>    result = db.query(query)
>    if result:
>           for row in result:  #will only be one row in the result
>               user_id = row.user_id
>               name = row.first_name
>           from web import setcookie
>           setcookie('user_id', user_id)
>           setcookie('first_name', name)
>           return True
>    else:
>         return False
> So, the page will not load unless the cookie has already been set.
> But again, it does set the cookie. It just almost as if "return True"
> is being called "too fast"; like the browser is still storing the
> cookie while the server is trying to call it? Because again, if I
> reload, everything is fine.
> On Oct 31, 2:05 am, Justin Davis <jedavi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The typical flow that's used with login forms (and any form that
> > ultimately changes client-side state via cookies) is this:
> > - User performs an http GET on the page with the form -- let's say /
> > login
> > - User enters data, and submits form via the http POST method
> > - webpy POST method checks user credentials:
> >   - If user login fails, it displays the web page with appropriate
> > error
> >   - Otherwise, it sets acookieand redirects the user to some other
> > page. This is typically done by calling "raise web.seeother('/
> > postlogin')"
> > Since a successful call results in a redirect, the next page will send
> > back the sessioncookiecorrectly.
> > Hope this helps,
> > Justin
> > On Oct 26, 10:23 am, Tom <tom.thorog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Greetings; awhile back I was having issues with web.py not retrieving
> > > cookies properly. That works now. However, if I try to set them and
> > > retrieve them within the same request, the retrieval fails, but
> > > reloading brings up the information just fine.
> > > For instance:
> > > Index, with POST submission -> Web.py verifies form and logs user in,
> > > setting a sessioncookie->
> > > web.py renders index again, this time passing thecookieinformation
> > > (as the $def with parameter).
> > > Doing this will set thecookie, but raises an AttributeError when
> > > retreiving it to pass to the page. However, if I reload the page, it
> > > pulls it up just fine. Any workaround for this?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Tom

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