On 2011/09/30 23:40, stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie answered Phillip Hallam-Baker:

Only real issue for me is that it has to fit in URI type slots. The
scheme I was thinking of would be a pure URN scheme, your proposal
includes URL like things.

If you use what RFC 2396 calles the 'opaque' syntax (e.g. no slashes at all; in RFC 3986, I think slashes would even be allowed if they don't appear directly after the first ':'), then you can define an URI scheme without including host-like stuff and you don't have to use "urn:" as a prefix.

Yep. We have use-cases for that. Note though that the authority
part is optional, so a fairly bare digest is quite possible and
would look like ni:///sha256:NDVmZTMzOGVkY2Jj...

The triple slash at the beginning is a bad idea. There should only be slashes if the scheme conforms to the generic syntax (i.e. a double slash, something like a host name, and then slashes for something pathlike). Just ni:sha256:NDVmZTMzOGVkY2Jj... is way better.

Clearly, your scheme is a better way to reference external content in
a resolvable format. I have to go look at the URN and URI specs again
in detail.

I also thought about URNs but was told (by PSA I think) that those
are intended for managed name spaces and not things like this.

This recently came up on the urn mailing list. Please e.g. see

I note that you have a content type, which I have but someone here was
objecting to. I consider the content type to be essential meta-data
for obvious security reasons.

I don't think Paul Hoffman, who brought this up, was objecting. He just wanted to know what it's good for. Some security reasons may be obvious for you, but not for everybody :-).

Our use-case for that is for cases where the named object actually
arrives in some wrapped form (e.g. encrypted) and you need to know
the "inner" content type. However, I could see it being used otherwise
or being dropped as things progress.

Just curious: Why would you need to know the inner content type? Wouldn't the wrapper contain that information?

Regards,   Martin.
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