On 2011-10-29 04:36, =JeffH wrote:
 >> Strict-Transport-Security = "Strict-Transport-Security" ":"
 >> directive *( ";" [ directive ] )
 >> STS directives:
 >> directive = max-age | includeSubDomains | STS-d-ext
 >> max-age = "max-age" "=" delta-seconds
 > What happens with
 > max-age="1"
 > ?
 > Do you expect all recipients to reject this? Depending on the parsing
 > API they use they might not even know that the value was quoted on
the wire.

Offhand, I'm not super sure, but after thinking about it while
researching/writing the below, I'm thinking "yes", max-age="1" is
invalid according to the ABNF and we should do whatever we do in error
cases (which is a separate open question). But implementors' parsing API
and its problems are out-of-scope for a spec such as this.

They are out-of-scope in that we don't specify them. But we still should consider what's likely to be implemented, and the cost of not being able to re-use a generic parser.

This obviously isn't the first HTTP response header field with such a
syntax and thus these potential issues (this one with a delta-seconds
value, and the issue you note below wrt "includeSubDomains"), yes?

Indeed. It's just I've been paying more attention to these kinds of issues recently :-)

 > > includeSubDomains = "includeSubDomains"
 > There's a tiny risk that some implementations will handle value-less
 > parameters the same way as parameters with empty values, such as
 > includeSubDomains=
 > or
 > includeSubDomains=""
 > but maybe I'm over-engineering here.

Yes, I'm wondering if this might be over-engineering -- I note that in
RFC 6266 you didn't distinguish/address this sort of case for "inline"
or "attachment" -- are you feeling now that you should have, and thus we
ought to do so going forward?

That case is a bit different as this is a stand-alone token, and there do not seem to be any header fields that are similar to C-D but allow a quoted-string in the first position.

Also see <http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/#inlonlyquoted> -- some recipients reject it, some don't. This is not a big issue per se, unless those you reject it are forced to follow suite because senders start to rely on it.


Best regards, Julian
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