Below is my WGLC review of the draft:

6.1.  Strict-Transport-Security HTTP Response Header Field

   The Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header field (STS header
   field) indicates to a UA that it MUST enforce the HSTS Policy in
   regards to the host emitting the response message containing this
   header field.

   The ABNF syntax for the STS header field is:

     Strict-Transport-Security = "Strict-Transport-Security" ":"
                                 *( ";" [ directive ] )

As already noted by other reviewers, this effectively requires a leading ";"
which is not what was intended here.

   The two directives defined in this specification are described below.
   The overall requirements for directives are:

   o  The order of appearance of directives is not significant.

   o  All directives MUST appear only once in an STS header field.

   o  Directive names are case-insensitive.

   o  UAs MUST ignore any STS header fields containing directives that
      do not conform to their ABNF definition.

Should this list also say something about how unrecognized directives
should be treated? I.e. are they ignored by default, is the whole
STS header field ignored, etc.

   Additional directives extending the semantic functionality of the STS
   header field may be defined in other specifications (which "update"
   this specification),

Is this a requirement on future extensions?
(In general "updating" this specification using Updates: in the header of the relevant RFC is a) a heavy weight mechanism (it prevents Experimental extensions) and b) this seems like a wrong mechanism anyway, as Updates usually means that the document being
updated can't be implemented without the document which updates it.)

   using the STS directive extension point.

8.3.  Errors in Secure Transport Establishment

   When connecting to a Known HSTS Host, the UA MUST terminate the
   connection (see also Section 11 "User Agent Implementation Advice",
   below) if there are any errors (e.g., certificate errors), whether
   "warning" or "fatal" or any other error level, with the underlying
   secure transport.  This includes any issues with certificate
   revocation checking whether via the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
   [RFC5280], or via the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)

This was discussed in Paris, but I had this in my notes already and would
like to emphasize this: I assume that explaining the reason for the failure
to the user (without letting the user to opt-out) is Ok? I think the document
needs to make it clear that this is not prohibited.

10.3.  Implications of includeSubDomains

   For example, certification authorities often offer their CRL
   distribution and OCSP services over plain HTTP, and sometimes at a

The first use of OCSP needs an Informative reference.

   subdomain of a publicly-available web application which may be
   secured by TLS/SSL.  For example, <https://example-ca.com/> is a
   publicly-available web application for "Example CA", a certification
   authority.  Customers use this web application to register their
   public keys and obtain certificates.  Example CA generates
   certificates for customers containing
<http://crl-and-ocsp.example-ca.com/> as the value for the "CRL
   Distribution Points" and "Authority Information Access:OCSP"
   certificate fields.

13.  Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA): Dependency
     and Migration

   IDNA2008 obsoletes IDNA2003, but there are differences between the
   two specifications, and thus there can be differences in processing
   (e.g., converting) domain name labels that have been registered under
   one from those registered under the other.  There will be a
   transition period of some time during which IDNA2003-based domain
   name labels will exist in the wild.  User agents SHOULD implement
   IDNA2008 [RFC5890] and MAY implement [RFC5895] (see also Section 7 of
   [RFC5894]) or [UTS46] in order to facilitate their IDNA transition.

I might be kicking a dead horse here, but MAY sounds a bit weak.
I especially dislike having the choice between 2 incompatible specs,
I think this might cause some interop problems.

Also, does "in order to facilitate their IDNA transition" apply
to the second reference or to both references?

   If a user agent does not implement IDNA2008, the user agent MUST
   implement IDNA2003.

In Section 14.5: NTP needs an Informative Reference.

15.  IANA Considerations

   Below is the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Provisional

I think here (and below) we should use "Permanent" registration for this header field.

   Message Header Field registration information per [RFC3864].

     Header field name:           Strict-Transport-Security
     Applicable protocol:         HTTP
     Status:                      provisional
     Author/Change controller:    TBD
     Specification document(s):   this one

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