On 02/05/2012 20:45, =JeffH wrote:
[ resent with correct Subject: ]

Hi Alexey, thanks for the review, apologies for latency.
Hi Jeff,
> The two directives defined in this specification are described below.
>     The overall requirements for directives are:
>     o  The order of appearance of directives is not significant.
>     o  All directives MUST appear only once in an STS header field.
>     o  Directive names are case-insensitive.
>     o  UAs MUST ignore any STS header fields containing directives that
>        do not conform to their ABNF definition.
> Should this list also say something about how unrecognized directives
> should be treated? I.e. are they ignored by default, is the whole
> STS header field ignored, etc.

Does the last bullet item above not address those questions?
No. The last bullet is talking about recognized, but invalid data. I am asking about unrecognized data.

> Additional directives extending the semantic functionality of the STS
>     header field may be defined in other specifications (which "update"
>     this specification),
> Is this a requirement on future extensions?
> (In general "updating" this specification using Updates: in the header
> of the relevant RFC
> is a) a heavy weight mechanism (it prevents Experimental extensions) and
> b) this seems
> like a wrong mechanism anyway, as Updates usually means that the
> document being
> updated can't be implemented without the document which updates it.)

We can place in the above para whatever we/you/ourADs wish. Suggestions welcome.
It is not about the location of this sentence. I think you need to strike "(which "update" this specification)".

>     subdomain of a publicly-available web application which may be
>     secured by TLS/SSL.  For example, <https://example-ca.com/> is a
> publicly-available web application for "Example CA", a certification
>     authority.  Customers use this web application to register their
>     public keys and obtain certificates.  Example CA generates
>     certificates for customers containing
> <http://crl-and-ocsp.example-ca.com/> as the value for the "CRL
>     Distribution Points" and "Authority Information Access:OCSP"
>     certificate fields.
> 13.  Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA): Dependency
>       and Migration
>     IDNA2008 obsoletes IDNA2003, but there are differences between the
>     two specifications, and thus there can be differences in processing
> (e.g., converting) domain name labels that have been registered under
>     one from those registered under the other.  There will be a
>     transition period of some time during which IDNA2003-based domain
>     name labels will exist in the wild.  User agents SHOULD implement
> IDNA2008 [RFC5890] and MAY implement [RFC5895] (see also Section 7 of
>     [RFC5894]) or [UTS46] in order to facilitate their IDNA transition.
> I might be kicking a dead horse here, but MAY sounds a bit weak.
> I especially dislike having the choice between 2 incompatible specs,
> I think this might cause some interop problems.

As far as I can tell, having had fairly extensive discussions with IDNA folk both privately and on various lists such as idna-update@, the above relects the the unfortunate state of the world at this time. For instance, Pete Resnick signed off on the language in the spec in this message to websec@...
Commented on this in reply to Peter.
Re: [websec] wrt IDN processing-related security considerations for draft-ietf-websec-strict-transport-sec

we should probably fork off any further discussion on this topic to that thread.

> Also, does "in order to facilitate their IDNA transition" apply
> to the second reference or to both references?

It applies to both. One may implement [RFC5895] /or/ [UTS46] to facilitate one's IDNA transition (as I understand it).
Can you please move "in order to facilitate their IDNA transition" to the beginning of the sentence? I think this will make it clearer.

again, followups on this item and the above should probably be in the "Re: [websec] wrt IDN processing-related security considerations for draft-ietf-websec-strict-transport-sec" thread here on websec@.

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