I don't know IETF procedure for making changes, but one of the
outstanding issues I don't think has been resolved with
draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning-02 is inherited DSA parameters.  I
raised this issue here:
http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/websec/current/msg01027.html with
suggested verbiage.


On 11 August 2012 16:37, Yoav Nir <y...@checkpoint.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris
> I've removed SAAG from CC, trimmed most of your message, and re-arranged the 
> rest. Hope you don't mind…
> On Aug 11, 2012, at 1:20 AM, Chris Palmer wrote:
>> Additionally, HPKP and TACK might converge, more or less. I have plans
>> to publish a new HPKP I-D that borrows some of TACK's pin activation
>> and expiration ideas, for example.
> <hat type="chair">
> Just as a reminder, HPKP is now a working group draft. As such, change 
> control is with the WG. Changes that change the rules for activation and 
> expiration should be proposed and discussed on the list first.
> Having said that, we are pretty far from last call on key-pinning, so I think 
> it would be OK to publish a version -03 with such proposed changes, as long 
> as those changes are clearly marked as not being the result of WG consensus.
> </hat>
> As an individual, I understand the limitations of the "spare public key" 
> approach of the current HPKP. It's an administrative hassle to generate n 
> spare keys and keep them safe, and if you have n+1 key compromise events 
> within the max-age time, your site is blocked. But it does have the big 
> advantage that the server side can be deployed *now* with no additional 
> software. Until I see how those borrowed ideas can help with these issues, I 
> prefer HPKP.
>> So ultimately I do think we should decide on either HPKP or TACK, but
>> that we should make that decision after there has been some real-world
>> deployment experience with both (or, sadly, real-world non-deployment
>> of one or both).
> Well, there's WG deciding, and there's the market deciding. The IETF can 
> publish both approaches (as either proposed standard or experimental) and the 
> one (if any) that the market prefers can later be upgraded to standard (or it 
> can stay at proposed anyway)
> Yoav
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