On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Tom Ritter <t...@ritter.vg> wrote:

> The foot-gun potential is very high with HPKP, we all know that.  It's
> high enough to the point that many organizations, who have someone
> maintaining a website part time (or outsource it) may forgoe PKP
> entirely because it makes them nervous - but they would be happy to
> deploy a no-risk PKP-RO.  But the benefit of doing so if it is not
> being cached is extraordinarily low, to the point it's probably not
> worth doing.

3 full years ago, HPKP was conceived as a single new directive to
piggyback on HSTS. Now it's a design-by-committee extravaganza with
knobs and bells and whistles all over the place. It also has a jaunty
cap. The cap is not a protective helmet, but hey — it *is* jaunty as
all get-out. :)

I just want to get something published, even if it's imperfect, so we
can move on. This process is taking my time away from other important
tasks, and I can't let that happen much longer.

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