On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 23:43:49 +0100, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> > I envision a *simple* web app which allows me to
> > 
> > a) upload an .odt, .doc, or .docx document and
> > b) chose whether it causes 1) crashes or 2) document conversion problems
> > c) allow to add a comment (it crashes for this document, but only when
> > using font X)
> > d) optionally add an email address that allows people to stay in the
> > loop on updates.
> > 
> we've chatted about this on irc - and I very much love the idea. I
> wonder if we should split out this particular topic & move it over
> to the website list?
> http://docs.officeshots.org/ may be a potential starting point -
> especially when it comes to document conversion / rendering
> fidelity.

I don't know if and how easy this would be in drupal. So far I have
coded a very simple webform in "django" (python is my thing :-)) to
allow uploading a document and a comment.

Next, I want to integrate automatic conversion of the doc to .pdf by
LibO in which, when finished, the user can mark the pages that exhibit
conversion problems. Adding screenshots from MS Office would be cool,
but I don't know how to do that (although the officeshot site manages
it, so it must be possible).

The only thing that is then left, is to link the uploaded doc to a
bugzilla issue and display the status from the bug in question. The
linking to a bug would (in my vision), not necessarily happen by the
user, but by QA team, that vets those entries.

> > Others would take this and try to replicate the crash or formatting
> > problem, and check if there is a bug for it and create one if needed
> > (linking to it). This allows for dead-simple reporting of problems, and
> > we'd have test documents that we can use for testing.
> > 
> Yeah. And for devs & QA people, it would be _very_ handy to have
> page thumbnails generated from various versions available, to vet
> conversion problems and regressions.

Yes, exactly.
> > Of course, confidential docs won't work, so people would have to
> > e.g. replace all text with lorem ipsums before submitting.
> > 
> Or provide an email address to send those docs to - more often than
> not, a document cleansed thusly will not exhibit the bug anymore. ;)

Well, one *could* make that non-public optionally, but it would lose much of its
usefulness, but could still be used as regression testcase by

I plan to work slowly towards this direction to get at least a proof of
concept up, but given that my dajob is pretty demanding, this could take
a while. If someone beats me to it, I'd not be sad.


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