Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> "USERS BEWARE : the extensions site
> appears to be currently suffering from availability issues", etc, this
> does not actually solve the underlying problem. A quick whois tells me
> that the servers are registered to Sun (no surprise there), so we remain
> dependent on the goodwill of an Oracle (Sun) controlled server to be
> able to continue to access extensions.

The Extensions server is not owned or operated by Oracle, but by the
Oregon State University Open Source Lab. At least, it used to be this
way and I have no indications that this has changed. I don't exactly
know what kind of whois you ran, but

$ host is an alias for has address

> Are our resources so constrained that we can not, could not, provide
> such an infrastructure ourselves ?

Thorsten Bosbach from Oracle made a huge effort to port the Templates
and Extensions websites to Drupal 6 (they currently run the obsolete and
not so scalable Drupal 5), see
Originally, these were scheduled to replace the Drupal 5 sites this
month; I don't know when and if this will actually happen, but this
would be the way to go.


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