Hi Olav,*,

I haven't read the archives of the mailing list discussions, so sorry if mention points that have already been discussed at length . Here is the way I see things for the moment, please let me know if it's coherent with the context:

- Given the tight schedule before the release of 4.0, it's not realistic to imagine a revamp of the whole site ; so the idea would be to a have "mini site" for the release dedicated to the event. That's just 3 pages with graphical coherence, a page to describe the highlights, a page to donwload, and a link to the www.libreoffice.org website to access all the other information. - I think that incorporating these pages in the CMS would require additionnal effort for little benefits. - If we want to have several languages for the minisite, it should be manageable with simple plain PHP, given the limited content. - The main idea for the mini-site home page is really to unclutter it: we should be able to present you understandable prototype in the next days. I have good hope it will match your simplicity expections.


Le 22/01/2013 18:22, Olav Dahlum a écrit :
I will just repeat myself here …

Let's follow the KISS principle.
The current download page are too
cluttered with unnecessary junk confusing people, and a separation of links
targeted at end users and contributors should have been implemented in the
first place. End users are completely uninterested in SDK's or source code,
so it makes no sense to have it there. In regard of AppUp, PortableApps,
DVD images etc, we can have that, but more discretely in something like
"Did you know that…" on the opposite side of the actual download links. We
should also bring back the easy pull down menu's if the geolocation fails,
and especially because this "solution" is horrible:
https://www.libreoffice.org/download/?nodetect. You might also want to look
at phasing out SilverStripe CMS due to its severe limitations, as it really
don't deliver what we expect from a CMS. Let's have a fresh and modern web
site to showcase, and not something that looks like it was put together in
a hurry for emergency reasons.

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